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Re: [News] GNU/Linux for Web Surfers a Success

In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Jeremy Fisher
on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 22:58:07 +0100
> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Linux for Grandma - Part III, Finale
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | For limited use, like browser based applications only, there is no
>> | reason not
>> | to use Linux.  In fact, most people in her case wouldn't know the
>> | difference. The three main reasons to use Linux are that it works, it is
>> | free, and runs
>> | on low end hardware fairly well.  Nor did I need the overhead of
>> | anti-virus and anti-spyware software.
>> `----
> I do start to cringe when I read posts like this, although I agree with what
> is being said, I find the sentiments to be wrong, why shouldn't Grandma
> have a medium to high end machine, the fact that the OS is free is not that
> important in this description of a system, the fact that it is Open Source
> is far more important, maybe a bit pedantic. Its the inference that Linux
> based system is best run on older machines, and that other lesser systems
> should be installed on new boxes.
> Jem..

It may depend on the grandma.  I know a grandmotherly
friend of mine who would be very well served by a mid-end
machine; she is also a top-notch technical editor/writer.

She is also familiar with Unix and would probably do fine
with Linux as well.

I think the main issues for most Grandmas, though, would
be usability and safety.

[1] Usability: I frankly don't know.  If the kids are even
less knowledgeable about computers than she is, I worry;
the scenario in that case would be both using Windows.
If the kids are knowledgeable about Linux then perhaps
she should be using Linux.  However, I see a lot of other
possible special cases.

[2] Safety.  I frankly don't know here, either.
If Grandma has a NAT on her DSL or cable link, traditional
packet-infection viruses are thrown off the table (she'd
still have to worry about phishing attacks, of course),
and Earthlink in particular gives NATs away "free".
Of course dialup users are still highly vulnerable, and
for me at least WiFi is a bit of a question mark, though it
does work on my laptop.

In short: Linux has an edge but may be losing it here.

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