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Re: IBM Launches Pilot Program for Migrating to Macs

____/ nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on Wednesday 16 April 2008 16:32 : \____

> <Quote>
> ...IBM is actively working to move away from its dependence upon
> Microsoft Windows and toward a heterogeneous cross-platform future.
> “In line with IBM’s external strategy of offering a true ‘Open Client’
> that may be Windows, Linux or a Mac,” the document noted, “Research IS
> is focusing on providing an IBM application stack on multiple
> Operating Systems, rather than be confined to one or the other.”
> [IBM ran a pilot program, Oct 2007 to Jan 2008, giving employees Macs
> who had formally been using Windows.   86% wanted to keep their Macs
> and not go back to Windows.  Quotes from their experiences:]
> “I commend IBM on taking this bold step in providing an alternative to
> Windows. It will definitely allow us to think different.”
> “This can free us from the Windows stranglehold.”
> “I have been a true PC stalwart for 2+ decades, but after trying
> Vista, I’m ready for a change.”
> “It has been easier learning the Mac than learning Vista.”
> “There are a number of features in the Mac that make it much better
> than a Windows machine. Overall productivity in using the Mac platform
> is higher. I can imagine that the new version of the operating system
> will make those features even better.”
> “Getting wireless running was a piece of cake on the Mac, much simpler
> than the PC.”
> “The ability to run Windows XP in a VM under Parallels is a great
> feature.”
> “Upgraded to [Mac OS X Leopard] 10.5 to run [Lotus] Notes 8.5 alpha
> code, and some things broke, especially wireless. Fixed with aid of
> community from forums.”
> “If the remote connection and Sametime issues are worked out, I think
> that Mac users can be productive in IBM. However, if I had to
> recommend a non-Windows setup, I would recommend Linux on a ThinkPad.
> I see the convenience and reliability of ThinkPad hardware as
> superior, and the Mac OS is still a proprietary OS that seems to
> require a Windows license for some tasks anyway. I don’t see enough of
> an advantage in the Mac OS to be worth the incompatibility issues when
> collaborating with my colleagues.”
> </Quote>

Some hours ago I read something from an IBMer suggesting that Open Client
(based on Linux) is the "new OS/2" (in a good sense). IBM is betting on this.

Expect a lot of vapourware tactics from Microsoft. Too many CIOs are starting
to stare at directions other than Microsoft's.

                ~~ Best of wishes

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