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[News] Free Softare Stacks Made Very Easy, Caveman-friendly (Even WinTroll-friendly)

  • Subject: [News] Free Softare Stacks Made Very Easy, Caveman-friendly (Even WinTroll-friendly)
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 15:38:22 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
BitNami makes it easy for mom & semi-geeks to use OSS

,----[ Quote ]
| The company is best known for its BitRock InstallBuilder cross-platform 
| product that competes with the likes of InstallShield. While the product 
| itself is not OSS, BitRock offers open source projects free licenses to the 
| product.   
| [...]
| While everything BitRock does is closed-source in nature, (and pays the 
| bills), the company has introduced BitNami to further the use of OSS as a 
| community outreach service. BitRock hopes that BitNami will become a leading 
| destination for end users and the average developer that wants an OSS product 
| or an OSS development environment respectively, but doesn't want to hassle 
| with dependencies etc. Since December 2007, BitNami has served up over 
| 100,000 downloads of popular OSS Stacks. BitRock plans to open up the site so 
| anyone can build and host their own OSS stack.       



Installing a modern Linux distribution  

,----[ Quote ]
| A modern Linux install should take no more than forty-five minutes for the 
| initial install and maybe an hours worth of tweaking to get the missing bits 
| running the way the user wants this may take longer with more complected 
| setups like using ATI or NVIDIA cards with Compiz.   


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