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[News] Second Life Tells It Free Software Story, Drupal Goes Commercial with the GPL

  • Subject: [News] Second Life Tells It Free Software Story, Drupal Goes Commercial with the GPL
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 11:31:27 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
The open life of Second Life

,----[ Quote ]
| Linden Lab's Joe Miller reflects on the development of the online virtual 
| world since it opened up to the Open Source world. 


All GPL. Red Hat-type model here also:

Acquia to Ship Commercially Supported Drupal Build

,----[ Quote ]
| Acquia, Drupal founder Dries Buytaert’s new company, took to the stage last 
| Thursday at the Launch Pad session at the web 2.0 Expo in SF. Although they  
| didn’t win the people’s choice for best startup (this honor went to Triggit), 
| their soon to be released Carbon and Spokes programs are still plenty 
| enticing.   
| [...]
| It can be thought of as the equivalent of Red Hat distributions of Open 
| Source Linux in that it’s essentially a commercial supported distribution of 
| Open Source software. The benefit of such a system is that it offers users 
| all the glories of open source software and community support along with 
| business-quality support and response time guarantees.     


Interface21 doesn't seem to maintain the 'open source' roots...

SpringSource claims first 'proper' application server

,----[ Quote ]
| SpringSource has picked up on the trend for modular servers with the planned 
| beta release today of the SpringSource Application Platform, its Java 
| application server.  



WordPress is Open Source

,----[ Quote ]
| Six Apart has recently decided that the best way to win back customers 
| fleeing their platforms is to target WordPress, which is a new strategy they 
| call competing. (What have they been doing the past 7 years?) A good example 
| is this exchange between a commenter on Valleywag and Byrne Reese, the lead 
| developer of Movable Type:    
| Sundown: “@anildash: what part of Wordpress is not open source?”
| byrnereese: “@Sunnduwn - I think that is a question better asked of 
| Automattic. Anil, and certainly not Six Apart, has never been briefed, nor 
| has anyone for that matter been presented with an accounting of what is open 
| and closed source at Automattic.”   
| Okay, here’s some accounting:
| WordPress is 100% open source, GPL.
| All plugins in the official directory are GPL or compatible, 100% open 
| source. 
| bbPress is 100% GPL.
| WordPress MU is 100% open source, GPL, and if you wanted you could take it 
| and build your own hosted platform like WordPress.com, like edublogs.org has 
| with over 100,000 blogs.  
| There is more GPL stuff on the way, as well. :)
| Could you build Typepad or Vox with Movable Type? Probably not, especially 
| since people with more than a few blogs or posts say it grinds to a halt, as 
| Metblogs found before they switched to WordPress.  


How The GPL Can Save Your Ass

,----[ Quote ]
| If you are the multi-billion dollar IT industry you stick you head in the 
| sand and just keep making cars. It is after all, not your problem. That seems 
| to be the attitude of almost every company with a vested interest in the 
| computing market. There was a recent announcement indicating Intel and 
| Microsoft have put up $10 million to fund research in parallel software. Hah! 
| I'm going to laugh harder this time HAH, HAH! Ever here the phase pissing in 
| the ocean, well this is more like throwing a match into the sun. We need 
| more -- much more.       
| [...]
| Second, the entire in industry must co-operate and be involved. We need 
| everyone working on this problem. The best minds in high performance 
| computing have been at it for quite a while and it is time to turn up the 
| volume. Fantasies of telling your R&D guys to get on it are not enough. 
| Trying to corral your Intellectual Property (IP) with trade secrets and 
| patents is wishful thinking. The rocket scientists (and plenty of other smart 
| people) have been working on this issue for a long time. You don't have the 
| time to waste trying to expand your IP fiefdom. Instead start thinking about 
| what happens when the next generation of products is of absolutely no 
| interest to your customers.         
| Third we need to respond quickly. There is no time for IP agreements, 
| posturing, and NIH ego trips (Not Invented Here). We need leaders to 
| recognize the scope and magnitude of this challenge and act. Before too long, 
| it will not be unreasonable to have four or even eight cores in a desktop. A 
| workstation or server may have double this amount. It would sure be nice if 
| my software could effectively use all these cores.     
| [...]
| Using the GPL will immediately remove issues that would normally choke such 
| an important undertaking. First, the any IP barriers get pushed aside and 
| everyone can cooperate openly  


What if... Windows went open source?

,----[ Quote ]
| But, given all the pressure that Microsoft is under these days from different 
| quarters, what if the company decided to reveal those jewels? Would it have 
| any impact on FOSS? Would people in the FOSS sphere really care? Would it 
| make a difference?   



GPL Violations On Windows Go Unnoticed?

,----[ Quote ]
| Several of the packages I installed included GPL and LGPL software without 
| any mention of the GPL, much less source code. For example, DVD Photo 
| Slideshow (www.dvd-photo-slideshow.com) included mkisofs, cdrdao, dvdauthor, 
| spumux, id3lib, lame, mpeg2enc, and mplex (all of which are GPL or LGPL). The 
| company tried to hide this by wrapping them all in DLLs.     


Microsoft Embraces Machinima ... and Maybe the GPL?

,----[ Quote ]
| To those of us who are licensing lawyers, that's an interesting development, 
| as there are those who have questioned the GPL to the extent it's not a 
| contract. Apparently Microsoft agrees with the FSF that unilateral 
| permissions "work" in the world of IP licensing.   


What Microsoft can and cannot do

,----[ Quote ]
| While I disagree with the FSF that the term intellectual property is “a 
| propaganda term designed to confuse patent law with copyright and other 
| unrelated laws, and to muddy the different issues they raise,” I do agree 
| that Microsoft must abide by the terms and conditions of the GPL, whether 
| version 2 or 3, whichever is applicable, which may emerge as a key question.    


Ten Tech Blunders: Whoops, We Stepped in It!

,----[ Quote ]
| In a horrible case of foot-in-mouth that revealed deep fear behind
| a thin mask of disdain, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer compared Linux
| to cancer. Ouch!


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