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Re: [News] Tiny Low-cost 'Datacentre' Runs GNU/Linux

Micoshaft fraudster and asstroturfer Ezekiel wrote on behalf of half wits
from micoshaft corporation:

>    Okay, okay. We'll grant you that the system limps along on a single
> 400MHz.
>    Plat'Home pitches this as a handy box for things like vending
> machines...

So like what happened to your posting net abuse spewing
help forum messages to Linux advocacy newsgroup?

In any case, a dumb fsck like you with your limited
knowledge and experience with windummy OSen wouldn't be allowed
near a datacenter!!! You would be a waste of power, space
AC resources and blows money through heat.

Thats why Linux has grown 22% in the datacenter.

Its also why Micoshaft has lost 11% sales revenue.

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