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[News] Benchmark: Ubuntu GNU/Linux More Power Efficient Than Vista

Ubuntu 8.04 vs. Windows Vista Power Usage

,----[ Quote ]
| When the Lenovo ThinkPad T60 was idling with Ubuntu 8.04 LTS "Hardy Heron" it 
| had quite an advantage over Windows Vista Ultimate. Ubuntu was consuming five 
| less Watts, which equates to more than 10% less power, over Microsoft Windows 
| Vista.   



Microsoft nears bottom of Greenpeace league table

,----[ Quote ]
| Environmental campaign organisation Greenpeace has published its latest study 
| of the green credentials of electronics manufacturers, including makers of 
| PCs and mobile phones, as well as Microsoft, which came near the bottom of 
| Greenpeace's latest Guide to Greener Electronics.   


Scolded, Microsoft Takes Blame For Swarms of Butterfly Decals

,----[ Quote ]
| The corporation accepted the blame yesterday for hundreds of plastic 
| butterfly decals that were affixed across the face of Midtown Manhattan as 
| part of a $300 million promotional campaign for its new MSN 8 Internet 
| service.    


Linux in schools can save the planet

,----[ Quote ]
| The fanless thin-clients use an embedded Linux and draw approximately 4 watts 
| when combined with 7” LCD panels and optional laser keyboards. They are 
| grouped in clusters of five inside a central cylinder and cooled by a natural 
| thermal updraft. The 12v power is supplied to all five from a single DC 
| source thus avoiding the huge power losses contingent on individual 
| transformers. A cluster of five computers uses 25 watts of power, not bad 
| when compared to a single standard 400watt desktop PC.      



The Buzz Word Today Is Green

,----[ Quote ]
| With the global crusaders on the march, with every politician spewing 
| factoids about his or her campaign saving the Earth with new environmental 
| measures, with hybrid cars being constructed in droves, with new energy 
| saving light bulbs all the rage, isn't it time to look at the greener 
| alternative in the PC World? I'm talking about the Linux computer, and it's 
| becoming clear that it's the green monster.     


U.S. to require agencies to buy 'green' PCs, monitors

,----[ Quote ]
| Because the government is such a large user, PC vendors will be hustling to 
| comply with the new federal rule, McCarthy said.  


True or False: E-Waste

,----[ Quote ] 
| True or False: Switching from a Windows-operated computer to a Linux-operated 
| one could slash computer-generated e-waste levels by 50%. 
| The answer is: TRUE


Vista stumbles through first birthday

,----[ Quote ]
| Performance has also been a factor, with Vista branded by some industry 
| researchers as the most processor-hungry operating system to ever come out of 
| Redmond — something that jars with the current industry drive towards energy 
| efficiency and green IT.   


Open Source Software, OLPC, and the Importance of Being Green

,----[ Quote ]
| I'm referring to the need for the OLPC XO laptop to be extremely efficient in 
| its power consumption. The OLPC laptop is designed to be used in places where 
| there is no reliable power grid, or, in many cases, no power grid at all. 
| This has challenged the OLPC Project is be very creative in how power is 
| generated, stored and conserved.    


Linux, Windows duke it out over energy efficiency

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux appears to have an advantage at the moment: Companies are becoming 
| increasingly open to adopting the platform both in the server room and on the 
| desktop. Big-name vendors like IBM, HP, and Novell are giving the penguin a 
| push in the datacenter, framing it as a flexible and energy-efficient 
| platform. The fact that Linux offers greater virtualization opportunities 
| than Windows (a sentiment recently expressed by the VMWare CTO Mendel 
| Rosenblum) only strengthens the platform's green standing.      


GNU/Linux is the most power-efficient OS on Intel hardware

,----[ Quote ]
| According to a keynote given at OSCON, Intel's PowerTOP application has 
| allowed developers to get a close-up view of what is sucking power in a 
| GNU/Linux system. Apparently they've gotten so much feedback and patches that 
| they've been able to extend battery life by an hour since the first release, 
| making GNU/Linux the best OS for power saving.    


Report: Linux, open source greener than Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| A new report from the U.K. Office of Government Commerce about Open
| Source Software Trials in Government, has found that servers running
| Linux could combat the rising problem of e-waste because they last
| up to twice as long as machines running Windows.


UK Greens connect to free software

,----[ Quote ]
| Still, he concludes that "awareness within the party is definitely
| building. I've even had people email me asking how to start 
| migrating to Linux."
| Outside the party, Chance mentions that he is "constantly
| surprised by how many people outside the IT world have heard
| of Linux, and understand that Firefox is more than
| just another browser."


Member of Parliament Patrick Harvie Talks to KDE

,----[ Quote ]
| In answering a question about how we can use the political process more he 
| describes how Microsoft had a government conference in the Scottish 
| Parliament on the day of Windows Vista's launch. There Bill Gates could tell 
| governments that Windows is the norm. He tried to organise a counter 
| conference on the same day but there was no room. However such an event could 
| be organised in parliament and he says MSPs and civil servants would turn up.     
| Asked about use in education he said it was utterly wrong to teach children 
| there is only one product in the market. However schools are very reluctant 
| to even give use of a different browser. In education he thinks school 
| children should have at least one experience of collaborating on free 
| software.     


Vista gets slated - by the Greens

,----[ Quote ]
| The Green Party has slammed Microsoft and it's forthcoming operating
| system, Windows Vista, in a withering attack on the company's "monopoly".
| Microsoft not only takes criticism for allegedly environmentally
| unfriendly policies, but for attacking civil liberties.
| The party claims that "Vista gives Microsoft the ability to lock
| you out of your computer," and that "Microsoft are determined not
| to play fair" in the video content market.


Green Party slams Microsoft OLPC involvement

,----[ Quote ]
| "Microsoft wants to restrict the greatest profits in the knowledge economy
| to already established software corporations like itself.
| "By installing its programs on these laptops Microsoft hopes to create
| market domination and vendor lock in. That is unacceptable bribery.


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