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[News] FOSS and Web-based Technology Intersect, Servers Gain Dominance

Web 2.0 Conference: Lots of News for Open Sourcers

,----[ Quote ]
| The big tech conference this week is Web 2.0, going on now in San Francisco. 
| There is a lot of meaningful news coming out of the conference, much of it 
| directly impacting open source and some of it peripherally impacting it.  


Multi-Inflection-Point Alert

,----[ Quote ]
| CouchDB. SimpleDB. BigTable. Need I say more? ¶
| No, I don’t think relational databases are going away anytime soon. But I 
| think that SQL’s brain-lock on the development community for the past couple 
| of decades has been actively harmful, and I’m glad that it’s now OK to look 
| at alternatives.   
| Will the non-relational alternatives carve out a piece of the market? I 
| suspect so, but that decision is being made by the community, right now. 


Video: Mark Little on SOA

,----[ Quote ]
| While we were in Orlando, we talked with Dr. Mark Little, technical 
| development manager for the SOA (service-oriented architecture) platform at 
| Red Hat.  



Tim O'Reilly: We are in a 'soup of computing'

,----[ Quote ]
| "The Internet is becoming the global platform for everything," he said, and 
| it will make everyone in the world smarter. "It's an amazing revolution in 
| human augmentation akin to literacy or the formation of cities," he 
| continued. "It's a huge change in the way the world works."   


Web 2.0: Offline Access to Web Apps Is Trend

,----[ Quote ]
| Offline access to Web applications is becoming an important trend, with Adobe 
| and Google looking to make the most of this new direction. 


Sun gears JavaFX for consumer move

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| JavaFX, introduced by Sun last year as a Java-based platform for building 
| visually oriented applications, will be leveraged in the growing consumer 
| application space.  
| Company officials Tuesday afternoon discussed Sun's plans, which will be 
| emphasized at the JavaOne conference in San Francisco in two weeks. JavaFX 
| technologies currently are available only in pre-release forms, but Sun 
| already has big plans to expand the platform to enable development of 
| consumer applications including productivity systems, games, and social 
| applications similar to Facebook.      



Study: U.S. game console ownership rising rapidly

,----[ Quote ]
| Meanwhile, a study from market research firm IDC projects a sunny
| outlook for Nintendo's Wii console, a device that has capitalized
| on the growing demand for Internet-enabled game console features.
| The Wii features Opera browser functionality, and a handful of
| third-party Internet companies have been optimizing their
| products for it.



After the Desktop -- What?

,----[ Quote ]
| I would suggest that the open source community should stop obsessing
| with the battle for the desktop, and start focusing on the battle for
| the platform that will replace it. As I have said before, the day
| will soon come when the notion of having to go to a particular 
| machine on a particular room every time you need access to
| information or computer power will be as obsolete as the notion
| of having to go to the hand pump over the well in the front
| yard every time you need water.


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