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[News] Free Software Visibility Makes Better Marketing

Why Open Source Software Developers are Good Marketers

,----[ Quote ]
| What's ironic is that while open source companies are busy cultivating an 
| active community of users they end up accomplishing some very classical 
| marketing activities. First, they build brand by putting their software out 
| in the open for everyone to see. They typically use wiki's, mailing lists and 
| other methods to talk with users.These users end up becoming a leveraged 
| marketing organization that evangelizes (and in some cases criticize) their 
| products. This is an advantage compared to a proprietary software company who 
| doesn't make their product available to everyone. They have limited user 
| resources (limited by those willing to buy software). That's the 
| differentiator as many of the proprietary software companies use the same 
| open source collaboration tools just among a relatively smaller user base.          


How fast is the Open Source software movement and linux growing?

,----[ Quote ]
| Think of this growth in terms of what it could do for you. Take that moment; 
| think outside of the IT business model you use today. Change is evolution and 
| evolution is how we grow. Open Source change is giving the advantage. Realize 
| how little investment you need to make to bring these benefits to your 
| business. All that's necessary is a little help to give you the confidence 
| you need. That's where we come in. We help you to do it for yourself.     



Less software piracy means more jobs, more state revenue: Study

,----[ Quote ] 
| "The number of customers using Red Hat operating systems, for example, 
| doubled in 2007," he said.  


Feeling the heat at Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| A couple of years ago you reiterated that IBM was Microsoft's biggest 
| competitor and you said not just on the business side, but overall. If I ask 
| you who is Microsoft's biggest competitor now, who would it be?  
| Ballmer: Open...Linux. I don't want to say open source. Linux, certainly have 
| to go with that.


Linux Users Base More Than doubled Over Last One Year: Survey

,----[ Quote ]
| The number of Linux users has more than doubled over the last one year, says 
| a new survey by DesktopLinux.com. The survey also said Ubuntu remains their 
| Linux distribution of choice.  


Survey: Desktop Linux use grows

,----[ Quote ]
| DesktopLinux.com, which is a Web site devoted to, obviously, desktop Linux, 
| has finished a survey that found more than a doubling of Linux desktop users 
| in the past year.  


,----[ Quote ]
| "Linux is the default operating [system] on desktops and servers at major
| animation and visual effects studios, with maybe 98 percent [or more]
| penetration," CinePaint Project Manager Robin Rowe told LinuxInsider.


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