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[News] FOSS+SWPatent Problems Studied by Committee, Lobbyists Try Back Door to SWPatent in EU

  • Subject: [News] FOSS+SWPatent Problems Studied by Committee, Lobbyists Try Back Door to SWPatent in EU
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 02:59:06 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Industry Committee study on Science and Technology is underway

,----[ Quote ]
| Patent quality is very low in some subject matter, such as software, which 
| creates a practical problem. Patent quality must be assured in each subject 
| matter area., possibly with a rule saying that 50% must be good quality in 
| order for patents to be granted and/or enforceable in that subject matter? It 
| is competition and first mover advantage, not exclusive rights, that drive 
| innovation in software     
| We need a “Fair Use” doctrine for patent law, possibly carving out interface 
| patents, royalty-free FLOSS implementations, and the activities of private 
| citizens in their home or as amateurs and tinkerers. Patents for producing 
| hardware or other tangibles are often opened up to competitors using RAND 
| (Reasonable And Non-Discriminatory) licensing terms where there is a low 
| per-copy royalty which is offered to anyone. While RAND is appropriate for 
| tangibles, it is inappropriate for software which has a natural marginal cost 
| of zero. RAND excludes from implementation any businesses using peer 
| production methodologies.        


Action and commitment the keys to SME growth: Eurochambres

,----[ Quote ]
| Speaking at the Informal Meeting of ministers for Competitiveness in Brdo 
| (Slovenia) today, Arnaldo Abruzzini, Secretary General of EUROCHAMBRES, 
| reiterated the need for a political commitment at all levels in favour of 
| Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), in particular in relation to the 
| forthcoming Small Business Act.    


The US is a lost cause (overly corrupted by big corporations)

Tech-Backed Patent Reform Bill on Ice

,----[ Quote
| Patent overhaul spurred by the technology industry is in jeopardy of dying, 
| after facing stiff competition from the pharmaceutical industry. 
| [...]
| The technology industry, which relies a large number of patents, says it 
| wants to change the law to deter “patent trolls,” or firms that hoard patents 
| with the sole intent of enforcing them against infringers – regardless of 
| whether or not the firm has any R&D resources or even a product utilizing the 
| patent.    
| Formally known as S.1145, the Patent Reform Act opened a rift in the business 
| world: biotech companies, labor unions, inventors, and capital firms squared 
| off against the high tech and financial services industry, with companies 
| like Cisco, Microsoft, Intel, and Bank of America fighting for the bill’s 
| passage.    


The bill was useless anyway.

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