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Re: oh, god! I hate vista!

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____/ AZ Nomad on Sunday 10 August 2008 22:33 : \____

> Today I was trying to help a neighbor whose 5 month vista system is getting
> slower and slower.
> I installed spybot and the new version, 1.6, wanted to catalog a pile of temp
> files.  Apparently, there are 2.5 million temp files.  No fucking idea what
> process is leaving them behind.  Probably the "yahoo search" in HP advisor
> that came factory installed.
> In linux, I'd be able to remove them all in a few minutes.  Vista is going to
> need about 30 hours to get rid of them.  Wether I do it from the command
> line, let spybot do it, or do it in safe mode, it can only remove about
> 20-30/second
> I also tried to turn off file indexing for the hard drive.  Vista wanted to
> set attributes on every single fucking file in the entire system.  I gave up
> on that idea;  I didn't want to wait the week it would require.
> Unlike a vista laptop I recently struggled with that "only" had 512M of ram,
> this system has 3 gig of ram, 6 ghz of processor and a 70MB/s sata drive.
> And vista being a bloated pig run like shit.
> Right now I'm back at home, copying a hundred or so of movies to a usb drive,
> doing 3 simultanious transcodes.  I'd never know it.  Even though the CPUs
> are pegged at 100%, the file transfer is pluging away find at 40M/second and
> the
> response  time of the rest of the system is just like when the system is
> idle.
> In vista, if I so much as opened the properties dialog for "my computer",
> the window deleting the temp files would slow to 2-3/second.  Vista is *such*
> a piece of crap.

So, did you install a modern O/S for the gentleman?

,----[ Quote ]
| 48167 Days and 23 hours to create CD
| It's been almost nine months since we first reported on Windows
| Vista's inability to copy, delete and move files without stalling
| indefinitely, and yet the problem continues.
| Screenshots relayed this week by two Reg readers say it better than we
| ever could. "48167 Days and 23 hours remaining," one of them reads.
| "36843 Days and 0 hours remaining," states the other. Both are Vista's
| best-faith guesses as to how long it will take to copy data from one
| location to another.
| "I have been experiencing slow copying ever since I 'upgraded' to
| Vista earlier this year, particularly from USB keys & drives," writes
| Adrian Procter.  [When he] tried to create a CD with just 168Mb of
| pictures, Vista told him it would take more than 131 years to complete
| the job....
| Vista's Long Goodbye, as we've come to call this bug, is one of the
| more baffling things to come out of Redmond in recent memory.... Even
| stranger, Microsoft has yet to acknowledge the problem, other than to
| issue this hotfix, which many users say does nothing to remedy the
| bug.
| But even then, there's no guarantee the problem will be fixed. With
| Microsoft's buggy code and non-existent communication, we'll be
| sitting on the upgrade sidelines for the foreseeable future, thank you
| very much.


,----[ Quote ]
| Windows Vista suffers from a bug that causes many machines to stall 
| while deleting, copying and moving files, a flaw that has provoked 
| consternation in online forums.


- -- 
                ~~ Best of wishes

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