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[News] Windows Must be Free to Compete with GNU/Linux in Cloud Era

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Cloud Computing on a Stick

,----[ Quote ]
| What struck me about the VM Template idea – and, the related possibilities of 
| a supercharged apt-get – is that in a strange sort of way what it offers is 
| cloud computing, but locally. By providing the stack as a binary blob, you 
| insulate users from all that fiddly stuff of getting things to work, which is 
| also one of the big attractions of cloud computing.    
| And to those that say that local clouds miss the whole point, which is about 
| having infinitely expandable resources “out there”, I would say, well, in 
| general, yes, but there are circumstances when you might prefer to keep 
| things local, while still enjoying the blob-like, all-in-one simplicity that 
| clouds provide. At such times, cloud computing on a stick, albeit limited, 
| can suddenly look highly attractive.      


Citrix Calls On Microsoft To Set Windows Free

,----[ Quote ]
| Simon Crosby, chief technology officer of Citrix, told attendees at the 
| LinuxWorld Conference in San Francisco that the future of virtualization 
| includes the concept of a "virtual appliance," a package comprising an 
| application, operating system, and virtual machine that could run on any 
| hypervisor installed on a desktop, notebook, or server. Standing in the way 
| of this advancement in portability is Microsoft, whose Windows operating 
| system dominates the business computing market.      
| "Microsoft has to change its licensing policies to redistribute Windows on 
| virtual appliances," Crosby said during his keynote. "Microsoft needs to have 
| a license that allows [independent software] vendors to redistribute Windows 
| as a bag of bits."   


Are lower priced apps in Microsoft's future?

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has told its shareholders and the SEC that it is developing 
| products "with basic functionality that are sold at lower prices than the 
| standard version." But today, the company indicated this may not be anything 
| new.   



Microsoft tries to battle free with cheap. It won't work

,----[ Quote ]
| Crappy but cheap? It isn't going to stop open source. Open source wins, in
| part, because it's cheap, but anyone that has run Linux, Apache, Zimbra, etc.
| knows that there is plenty of open source that wins because it is
| awesome...and just happens to be cheap as an added benefit.


Microsoft loses 90 Billion Dollars


Microsoft slashes Office prices in RP

,----[ Quote ]
| "This is also part of our Unlimited Potential program," added Rivera-Moreno.
| Microsoft's Unlimited Potential is a global program aimed at helping the
| middle and bottom of the world's economic pyramid of about 5 billion people,
| the software company's website stated.


Bringing down software margins with the cloud and open source

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft expects to lose margin as "cloud" competitors start to eat away at
| its core businesses. Kudos to Microsoft for calling out the obvious.
| [...]
| Put more bluntly, there's not a chance in Hades that Microsoft will be able
| to charge more for its cloud-based offerings, not when its competitors are
| using the cloud to pummel its desktop and server-based offerings. This is
| something that Microsoft (and everyone else) is simply going to have to get
| used to: The go-go days of outrageous (software) margins are over. Done.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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