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[News] [Rival] MSBBC Unable to Cover the Death of Windows

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Microsoft Midori: That Sounds Familiar?

,----[ Quote ]
| I just read this article on the BBC’s website.
| Apart from being a complete waste of screen space from a serious point of 
| view, there were a few tit-bits that seemed worth looking at: 
|     Windows worked well in an age when most people used one machine to do all 
|     their work. The operating system acted as the holder for the common 
|     elements  Windows programs needed to call on.  
| “Windows worked well…”. Did it? Really? When? Never heard of that before. 
| lol. 
| [...]
|     This means, he said, that Windows can struggle with more modern ways of 
|     working in which people are very mobile and very promiscuous in the 
|     devices they use to get at their data - be that pictures, spreadsheets or 
|     e-mail.   
| What? You mean like when these people don’t use Windows? And they realise 
| that all their stuff is tied into some M$ application software that ONLY 
| works on Windows. Well, tough luck; that’s what happens when you play with 
| monopolies. Try using Open Standards and Open Applications (like 
| OpenOffice.org) instead.    



Open the Windows; the Stench is Unbearable

,----[ Quote ]
| If some of this technology were an automobile, it would be banned from the
| road. It may not have rolled over and killed anyone, but it certainly has
| rolled over and died. It should come with a warning label, “Unsafe at any
| speed.” Look at how quickly and frequently global commerce gets disrupted
| using it.


Microsoft has serious plans to do away with Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| This isn't the 90s anymore. In the aftermath of the Vista sales flop, Windows
| is no longer an automatic choice.
| [...]
| Even if Microsoft does pull the trigger, I can't see Midori showing up until
| 2013. By that time, it may be too late to stem Microsoft's decline. Still, I
| find it interesting that Microsoft is even considering a radical operating
| system shift. This really isn't Bill Gates' Microsoft.


Microsoft loses 90 Billion Dollars [in less than a year]


Microsoft to kill Windows with 'web-centric' Midori?

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft continues to downplay the importance of Midori by saying it is just
| a research project.


Microsoft upset over HP, Dell packaging Windows XP over Vista

,----[ Quote ]
| 11 percent have already made the switch to Mac OS X or Linux.  Sorry
| Microsoft, the outlook isn’t getting any better.


Vista: DOA in the Enterprise

,----[ Quote ]
| The really bad news for Microsoft: the number of business PCs running Windows
| XP increased from 2007 to 2008—three times the increase in the percentage of
| PCs running Vista.
| Perhaps worse: The majority of businesses waiting for Vista—meaning those
| running older Windows versions—migrated to XP instead. Microsoft had counted
| on Windows 2000 and older versions to go to Vista. The newest Windows saw
| some conversion, but XP got much more.

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