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[News] Double-dipping of Windows Licenses (And Why Numbers Are Fake)

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Microsoft gets paid twice as Vista users downgrade to XP

,----[ Quote ] 
| Until Microsoft finds some compelling reason for people to care about its 
| operating system, or provides differentiated value beyond the operating 
| system, it's going to find that Windows 7 won't solve its ills. Midori, which 
| blends the cloud with the desktop, is a much smarter bet. Windows 7? It feels 
| like more of the same Vista problem.    


"Hey, Steve, just because you broke into Xerox’s store before I did and took
the TV doesn’t mean I can’t go in later and steal the stereo."

                                --Bill Gates, Microsoft


Unwanted licences boost Vista numbers

,----[ Quote ]
| "From the 30th of June, we have no longer been able to ship a PC with an XP
| licence," said Jane Bradburn, a marketing manager for HP Australia. "However,
| what we have been able to do with Microsoft is ship PCs with a Vista Business
| licence but with XP pre-loaded. That is still the majority of business
| computers we are selling today."
| Therefore the Vole's claims for high Vista sales figures are merely so much
| steer manure. The major PC vendors are still preloading Windows XP, but
| Microsoft is counting those XP preloads as Vista sales.



Currys group blames Vista for poor sales

,----[ Quote ]
| DSG, the group behind Currys and PC World, has warned that poor sales of
| Vista could slash its profits by around £20 million.


CompUSA to close all of its 103 stores

,----[ Quote ]
| The consumer electronics store will run store-closing sales during the
| holidays to get rid of inventory.


Dell casts doubts on Vista

,----[ Quote ]
| Dell today revealed that it will restore the option to use Windows XP on
| some of its home systems, marking a potentially damaging blow to
| Microsoft's hopes for the newer Windows Vista.
| [...]
| While a popular request through the company's IdeaStorm website, the
| choice was substantially outnumbered by requests for pre-installed
| Linux, US-based technical support, and other features -- pointing to a
| larger general demand for the change. The turnaround may be a reflection of
| an overall backlash against Vista, observed IDC analyst Richard Shim.


Lenovo offers downgrade from Windows Vista to Windows XP

,----[ Quote ]
| My colleague Stian just sent me this interesting link regarding my
| experiences with Windows Vista. Since I assume the link will NOT have the
| visual appearence it has right now for very many more hours (days) I've
| created a screenshot of how it looked when I went into the site.  


Windows Vista kicked out of Olympics PCs

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft's latest version of Windows is too risky to implement for the
| important computers managing the 2008 Olympic summer games in Beijing, said
| the event's computer supplier and sponsor Lenovo.  


Acer: PC industry 'disappointed' with Vista

,----[ Quote
| Acer president Gianfranco Lanci became the first major PC manufacturer to
| openly attack Microsoft over the Windows Vista operating system in the
| Financial Times Deutschland on Monday.  
| Lanci said the operating system was riddled with problems and gave users and
| businesses no reason to buy a new PC, according to the report. Taiwan-based
| Acer is the world's fourth-largest PC manufacturer, after HP, Dell and
| Lenovo.
| "The whole industry is disappointed with Windows Vista," Lanci said.

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