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[News] Microsoft-funded and Troll-infested Slashdot Attacks OpenGL 3.0; USB 3.0 Out

  • Subject: [News] Microsoft-funded and Troll-infested Slashdot Attacks OpenGL 3.0; USB 3.0 Out
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2008 12:38:22 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.9
Hash: SHA1

Why the F.U.D. against OpenGL 3.0?

,----[ Quote ]
| So, it was with some interest to read on TheRegister and Slashdot that the 
| release of OpenGL 3.0 was met with heavy resistance by existing developers. 
| Strangely, Wikipedia user Paeator Alpha's post seemed to be the most balanced 
| immediate report on OpenGL 3.0, and lets face it, Wikipedia isn't known for 
| being accurate.    
| It was even stranger to read then from one of the developers actually 
| attending SIGGRAPH that the backlash reported by Slashdot and TheReg, just 
| wasn't happening.  
|     The OpenGL BoF went really well, I think. Nobody showed up with torches 
|     or pitchforks. Of course, the free beer may have helped. The most useful 
|     part of it for me was the mingling period after all the presentations. I 
|     talked with quite a few people and, contrary to the /. reports, nobody 
|     was furious. Whew!    
| [...]
| So, Khronos has run into the exact same problem KDE ran into. A lot of people 
| are simply armchair analysts with no actual graphics experience. That's why 
| the actual developers at SIGGRAPH responded so differently than the reports 
| from TheReg and SlashDot would have people believe.   


Firehose is abused by the trolls, according to regulars. Microsoft/DX

Intel Releases USB 3.0 Draft Spec

,----[ Quote ]
| For those into reading some hardware specifications, Intel has released the 
| Extensible Host Controller Interface draft specification for USB 3.0.  



Intel plays games with USB3.0

,----[ Quote ]
| This behaviour is not what defines 'standard', it is what
| defines 'proprietary'. Basically if you are competing with Intel, or are
| perceived to be competing with it, you have to wait and suck down a six-month
| disadvantage. The last time this happened was USB1.0. Intel played the same
| games and the standard was so broken it never worked.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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