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[News] Great FOSS Equivalents for Monitoring, Management, ERP

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Another way of monitoring

,----[ Quote ]
| There is another option: Open source monitoring applications. 


Eating Alfresco: the healthier FOSS alternative to SharePoint

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| I assisted a company today with a spectacular Microsoft Office SharePoint 
| Services (MOSS) crash. The experience showed some folly in the oft-claimed 
| mantra that Windows-based applications are graphical and friendly. In fact, 
| here’s a free Linux-friendly open source package called Afresco which makes a 
| better SharePoint than SharePoint.    


Southern Book Company Increases Net Margins, Doubles Revenue with Open Source

,----[ Quote ]
| Atlanta-based Southern Book Company (SBC) has successfully implemented a 
| hosted version of solution provider's Compiere open-source enterprise 
| resource planning (ERP) systems, the solution provider has announced.  



VC funding for open source hits an all-time high

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| Incidentally, total funding to date stands at $2.64bn.


How Open Technology Could Lead Us Out Of Recession

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| At the same time, the United States has not only lost its former dominance in 
| world technology, it is rapidly achieving a status of "a nation of 
| shopkeepers".  
| We need to remove the barriers to entering the market. We need to be the 
| innovators in science and technology again. We need to regain the excitement 
| we had about scientific progress back in the 1940's and 1950's. We need 
| technicians in white lab coats, and we need to look up to them because they 
| are giving us wonderful things like atomic power and trips to the moon again. 
| We need kids to be excited about getting a chemistry set again. We need to 
| let those garage start-ups break out of that garage and open up their own 
| factory. We need to bring back homebrew computer clubs. We need people who 
| can say that they know something about computers besides how to turn one on.        
| In short, we need more geeks. Geeks make money.


No Recession at Red Hat

,----[ Quote ]
| It is flattering to be mentioned, Mr. Whitehurst said, but he noted that 
| corporate customers and the industry benefit from what he called Red 
| Hat’s “Switzerland status” — not being a province of one of the major powers 
| in the technology industry.   

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