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[News] Patenting of Software Inappropriate, Trolls and Blackboard on the Attack

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Patenting of Software- an Insight

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| India for its part seems to have adopted the more conservative approach of 
| the European patenting norms for software. But the Ordinance definitely has 
| its use and relevance in today’s India, particularly for our growing domestic 
| semi- conductor industry. This, along with judicial tempering might 
| definitely ensure a judicious use of patent protection while allowing the  
| industry to grow through innovations and inventions, thereby, mitigating the 
| risks of trivial patents chocking the life out of real innovations and 
| inventions. This is the reason a patent should always be treated as a “double 
| edged sword”, to be wielded with caution and sensitivity. Now whether, in 
| reality this will be implemented on a rigid basis or will become broad in 
| scope through application (as in the U.S.), and, more importantly, whether 
| the Ordinance would, in fact, result in increased innovation and inventions 
| in the software industry, remains to be seen.           


Patent Office Will Continue Reexamination of Blackboard's Controversial Patent

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| The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has rejected a request by Blackboard 
| Inc. for a temporary halt in the office’s review of a software patent the 
| company holds concerning course-management systems.  
| This year Blackboard won a lawsuit in federal court against a rival software 
| company, Desire2Learn, for violating the patent, though Desire2Learn has 
| appealed the decision. Meanwhile, Desire2Learn had formally challenged the 
| validity of the patent with the patent office, arguing that it is overly 
| broad and covers technology that other companies had developed before 
| Blackboard filed its patent. The patent office issued an initial verdict in 
| March that rejected all 44 of the claims that make up Blackboard’s patent. 
| But that review is “nonfinal,” meaning that the review is still underway.       


Motorola Settles DTL Patent Suit

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| Patent-licensing and enforcement company General Patent Corp International 
| has reached a settlement with Motorola over a disputed patent belonging to 
| one of GPCI's clients, Digital Technology Licensing.  


"General Patent Corp International" and "Digital Technology Licensing". Classic
troll names.


All 44 Blackboard Patent Claims Invalidated by USPTO

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| This decision actually should have come before the trial verdict but was held 
| up because the USPTO had to decide what to do about the separate filings from 
| D2L and SFLC. Now, in addition to the fact that Blackboard will be able to 
| argue against the ruling with the USPTO, there are a number of questions 
| regarding how this affects the court case.    


The Blackboard Patent and Blackboard's Big Idea

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| Now that the Blackboard Patent Court Case has begun, let's recap the main 
| issues. Blackboard    sued Desire2Learn for patent infringement. What is the 
| patent claim and what is at stake?   


Blackboard Inc. Is Awarded Payment From Competitor in Patent Case

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| "This is a signal event in educational technology," said Alfred H. Essa, 
| associate vice chancellor and deputy chief information officer for Minnesota 
| State Colleges and Universities. "It means that the big boys are playing for 
| keeps and will use their patent portfolio at any cost to crush and deter new 
| entrants. As a community, it will take us a long time to recover from this 
| mess."     


Taurus/Orion/Spangenberg Hold Off Ford in Madison; Blackboard-Desire2Learn
Trial Begins in Lufkin

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| Interestingly, Desire2Learn is blogging about the trial. Desire2Learn has 
| already invalidated 35 out of the 44 claims of the '138 patent. I love how 
| Desire2Learn refers to the inventors in quotes - "inventors." From 
| Desire2Learn's blog, we learn that the Software Freedom Law Center filed an 
| ex parte reexamination request, and Desire2Learn filed an inter partes 
| reexamination request. Both were granted, and are continuing in parallel to 
| the trial. We also learn that Judge Clark did not rule on any pending summary 
| judgment motions, and decided to hold them for trial.       


Blackboard Patent Goes to Trial

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| The Blackboard patent infringement case against Desire2Learn goes to trial on 
| February 11, 2008 in Lufkin, Texas.  The trial is expected to last two weeks. 
| Both sides will have no more than 18 hours to present their case.   
| [...]
| By all accounts Blackboard's patent is a stupid one and never should have 
| been issued by the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). 


Blackboard Problems Leave Vista on Double-Secret Probation 

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| On college campuses, Microsoft's Vista operating system may be in
| danger of failing courses that use Blackboard, a key software
| program for communication between teachers and students.

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