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[News] Free Software Against Weak Economy; Glimpse at Eclipse Ecosystem

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10 best technologies to beat the downturn

,----[ Quote ]
| 3. Open Source
| Many enterprises would be surprised at the breadth and depth of open source 
| technologies that are now available, often considerably cheaper than 
| commercial software.  
| See if there are open source options available when looking for new software 
| or systems. Be mindful of its maturity and where you will get support if it's 
| needed though, or it could end up a false economy. If nothing else, use the 
| threat of open source alternatives to drive a hard bargain when negotiating 
| with your commercial software vendors.    


Taking the Pulse of the Eclipse Ecosystem

,----[ Quote ]
| It's tough to keep track of the fast-moving world of Java development, 
| especially for those who are training the next generation of developers. 
| Plug-ins change, community preferences migrate, and real-world usage varies 
| greatly from the classroom setting, says Dana Gardner, who moderates a 
| podcast on Geunitec's Pulse.    



Sonatype Joins Eclipse Foundation as Strategic Developer With Seat on Board of

,----[ Quote ]
| Sonatype, the leader in Java development infrastructure, today announced that
| they have joined the Eclipse Foundation as a Strategic Developer. Sonatype
| will now have a seat on the Board of Directors and on the Eclipse Planning
| and Architecture council. Additionally, Sonatype has pledged to commit at
| least eight of their developers full-time to developing Eclipse technology.


Eclipse Ganymede improves SOA tools

,----[ Quote ]
| The Eclipse Foundation has announced the annual release of its open
| development platform. In line with tradition, this package is named Ganymede,
| after one of Jupiter's moons. The last two predecessors were named after
| Callisto and Europa. The new package contains programs from 23 Eclipse
| project teams, with more than 18 million lines of code.


Open Enterprise Interview: Mike Milinkovich

,----[ Quote ]
| The other thing that most people don’t appreciate is that the evolution is
| community driven. The Eclipse Foundation is not a software company that sets
| a strategy and then executes. We rely upon our community members to set the
| direction of the technology. It results in a very organicand dynamic
| environment that is very different from what I have experienced working in a
| corporate setting.



Can Linux Get a Lift From Eclipse?

,----[ Quote ]
| Eager to shed its reputation as a tool just for Java developers, Eclipse has
| quickly embraced newer languages such as PHP, Python and Ruby—as well as
| older ones like Ada, COBOL and C. But when it comes to enabling native Linux
| development, Eclipse isn’t moving as fast. It’s not uncommon for applications
| originating from Eclipse to target Linux servers...

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