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[News] Firefox Nets Money and Proves Liability of Free Software Business

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Firefox Summit Reflections

,----[ Quote ]
| Another important element is the financial resources Mozilla enjoys. We’ve 
| just renewed our agreement with Google for an additional three years. This 
| agreement now ends in November of 2011 rather than November of 2008, so we 
| have stability in income. We’re also learning more all the time about how to 
| use Mozilla’s financial resources to help contributors through 
| infrastructure, new programs, and new types of support from employees.     



Mozilla reveals the Firefox of the future?

,----[ Quote ]
| Mozilla has unveiled a spectacular new concept browser, dubbed Aurora.
| The bleeding-edge browser is part of a new Mozilla Labs initiative, in which
| the open-source foundation is encouraging people to contribute ideas and
| designs for the browser of the future.


Mozilla Looks to Grass Roots for Next Wave of Browser Innovation

,----[ Quote ]
| The Mozilla Labs Concept Series is a program for gathering from the public
| ideas on developing new software projects. The program kicked off with three
| new concept applications: the Aurora browser, a mobile version of Firefox and
| a new way to visualize bookmarks. The purpose is to let any user join the
| conversation, not just those with programming skills.


Q&A: Mozilla's Tristan Nitot

,----[ Quote ]
| Having a pay cheque definitely is a change! In 2003 there were eight to 10
| employees. Now we have 160. We now have market share, [meaning] the ability
| to influence the market and force Redmond to wake up and improve the
| product...while the product is interesting, what’s really important is the
| health of the web.


Firefox market share exceeds 20%, Internet Explorer dips below 70%

,----[ Quote ]
| It has been six weeks since Firefox 3 has been released and if we believe
| market share numbers provided by an ongoing survey of NetApplications, then
| it appears that Mozilla has had a successful launch with market share gains,
| especially at the expense of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer.

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