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[News] Europe Returns to Fighting Anti-FOSS Laws, McCreevy and Monopolists

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Software Patents: Stop Software Patent Petition Initiative

,----[ Quote ]
| A group of FFII activists have decided to set up big European petitions 
| targeting national legislators of the members of the European Patent 
| Convention to clarify the limitations of patentability.  
| [...]
| In Italy Italian Linux Society and Associazione per il Software Libero have 
| already signed the petition, I hope more will support the initiative soon. 


Assessment of the impact of  the proposed European Patent Court on UK
companies, for UK-IPO  
,----[ Quote ]
| This short questionnaire seeks information to help with an assessment by the 
| UK-IPO of the impact of the proposed European Patent Court on UK companies. 
| It is aimed at companies and organisations holding patents.  



,----[ Quote ]
| Expect Microsoft to ally even more closely with the RIAA and MPAA in making
| yet another try at hardware-based DRM restrictions — and legislation making
| them mandatory. The rationale will be to stop piracy and spam, but the real
| goal will be customer control and a lockout of all unauthorized software. Two
| previous attempts at this have failed, but the logic of Microsoft's situation
| is such that they must keep trying.
| I also expect a serious effort, backed by several billion dollars in bribe
| money (oops, excuse me, campaign contributions), to get open-source software
| outlawed on some kind of theory that it aids terrorists. We can only defeat
| that by making sure that national governments become so attached to
| open-source code that their military men and bureaucrats will short-stop the
| bribed legislators, rather than let their vital infrastructure be outlawed.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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