* Tim Smith peremptorily fired off this memo:
> In article <1rbjgiswskti1$.iygt6q1wgqjs$.dlg@xxxxxxxxxx>,
> "Moshe Goldfarb." <brick_n_straw@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On Mon, 25 Aug 2008 18:02:43 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> > Hash: SHA1
>> >
>> > ____/ Derrick on Monday 25 August 2008 05:57 : \____
>> >
>> >> Go Linux FTW!
>> >
>> > .-------------------------------------------------.
>> >|____________________________________________O_-_X|
>> >| File Options Tools Help |
>> > `_-_____-________-______-_________________________'
>> > | Alert |____________
>> > | *Plonk* ' Subject |______________
>> > `----------. *Sender* ' *Troll* |
>> > `----------. Idiot |
>> > | Moron |
>> > | Twit |
>> > | Imbecile |
>> > | Changeling |
>> > | Cretin |
>> > | Asshole |
>> > | Weird |
>> > | Dunce |
>> > | Kook |
>> > | Eerie |
>> > | Gary Nym |
>> > | Morph |
>> > `------------'
>> What a dork.....
> As someone recently said here, when you have to resort to attacks like
> that, it means you can't find a valid way to deal with the argument.
> Now who was it that said that...oh, year. It was Roy. Looks like Roy
> agrees with Derrick on Linux games.
I disagree with Roy. Derrick was not (just) a Troll. He was also an
Idiot. In fact, the menu above is not the best UI item for selecting
all of the characteristics of "Derrick".
But leave it to Tim to inflate the meaning of a common dismissal of an
idiotic troll attempt, labelling it an *attack*.
You're giving me a chuckle, Tim!
You deride Roy's game, yet seem to be playing it, too.
Ironically, by doing so you might actually be *attacking* him.
And thus, by your very own reasoning, *agreeing* with him!
Oh dear. That might overflow your stack!
(Cue some other attacker to "agree" with me)
A copy of the universe is not what is required of art; one of the damned
things is ample.
-- Rebecca West