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[News] Kinoma: Linux Quadruples Windows in Ubiquity, Beats Apple at Value

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Other smart phones are people too, says ex-Apple team

,----[ Quote ]
| Support for a second platform is due by the end of the year. Hoddie would not 
| say what that platform will be, but noted: "We really like Linux - the OEMs 
| are using Linux under the covers. It works beautifully there."  
| Linux would certainly have more to offer for Kinoma than Windows: Linux 
| accounts for about 19 per cent of the smart-phone market versus around five 
| per cent for Windows, according to various figures. Linux is expected to 
| outsell Windows by 2013. Symbian, of course, remains the market leader.   


Why does Apple Always Seem to Get a Break???

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux. This is the only platform that is not a prison. You are really free 
| with Linux. People are congregating at will, building creative new 
| structures. Yeah – maybe it isn’t as pretty as the luxury hotel prison that 
| is Apple, but at least we are free. In the end it isn’t prison walls that win 
| in technology. CompuServe and AOL were beaten by the internet. Centrally 
| controlled mainframes were killed by the PC. Over time the best technology 
| comes from innovation in unexpected places and while we are occasionally 
| wooed by the pretty sounds of “You’ve Got Mail” or the stunning design of a 
| new iPhone; we have all seen this movie before and know how it ends.         



Linux-Powered Smartphone Use on the Rise

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux smartphone technology will see its fastest growth, with annual growth 
| rates as high as 75 percent, in the 2007 to 2012 period. 


Linux the fastest-growing smartphone OS

,----[ Quote ]
| Meanwhile, in the world's largest mobile phone market (China), Linux already 
| has a 30 percent share, CCID Consulting Company said in March. 

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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