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[News] Quality of Linux Raised Without Blue Screens of Death

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Oops! I Fixed the Linux Kernel

,----[ Quote ]
| When Linux crashes, users don't get a Blue Screen like they do on Windows. 
| Instead, Linux generates an "oops" -- a crash signature that can help 
| developers to figure out what went wrong.  
| The feature may have a silly name, but it's increasingly serious business.
| Keeping track of the "oopses" is the duty of the Kerneloops.org project, and 
| according to supporters, its efforts have improved kernel quality and fixed a 
| large number of bugs -- a thrust that's critical for Linux as it angles for 
| even greater adoption in the enterprise and elsewhere.    



Blue Screen of Death Strikes Bird's Nest During Opening Ceremonies Torch

,----[ Quote ]
| Well this is just perfect. At the exact moment Li Ning was rounding the lip
| of the Bird's Nest during the amazing torch-lighting climax, someone snapped
| this photo of our good friend the BSOD nestled amongst the Nest's steel
| twigs. Perhaps an Opening Cermonies IT dude spit out his coffee on the
| machines in the server room when Li took to the sky? Another question is what
| a projection screen is doing inside the Nest at that location, but I think
| the better question is what wasn't going on inside the Nest's roof—did you
| see that thing during the ceremonies? Lights! Fireworks! LED screens!
| Everything! Anyway, if only one image of this perfectness existed we'd be
| skeptical, but thankfully, someone has grabbed more from a different angle
| that pretty much seal the deal.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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