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[News] Microsoft Plays Hardball Against Free Software Using Legalised Bribery

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GeekPAC to fight for information rights

,----[ Quote ]
| Last year California Assemblyman Mark Leno authored AB 1668, a bill designed 
| to encourage the state to adopt the Open Document Format as the standard 
| format for government documents. Not surprisingly, Microsoft came out against 
| the bill and it was eventually struck down in committee. CollabNet Community 
| Manager and longtime FOSS supporter John Mark Walker was angry. Realizing 
| that the open source community had no voice during the hearings and no way to 
| fight back against the opposition's lobbyists, Walker decided to mobilize 
| support from within the ranks of the FOSS community and let them do what they 
| do best — rally behind a cause and prove once again that there's strength in 
| numbers. So he founded GeekPAC.         
| GeekPAC's goal is to pull together enough funding — a mere $2,200 — to file 
| the necessary paperwork to be formally recognized by the Federal Elections 
| Committee as a Political Action Committee (PAC). Then the group will locate 
| politicians or candidates in the House and Senate who support hot-button 
| technology issues like copyright reform and net neutrality. Once identified, 
| GeekPAC will help support their campaigns and lobby together for change.      



Q&A: Former Mass. CIO feels 'bittersweet pride' after battles with Microsoft,

,----[ Quote ]
| As CIO of Massachusetts from February to November last year, Louis 
| Gutierrez had to endure most of the brunt of Microsoft Corp.'s political 
| wrath over a state policy calling for the adoption of the Open Document 
| Format for Office Applications, or ODF -- a rival to the software vendor's 
| Office Open XML file format.
| [...]
| Do you see any reason for there to be two standards? If you were
| starting blank-slate, there certainly would not be value to creating
| two separate standards. Over time, it has sometimes been useful to
| have the competition of two standards to keep both sides honest.
| But I don't see particular value in the long-term co-existence of
| two separate standards.


,----[ Quote ]
|    Quinn:  Almost to a person, to anybody involved or who knows about
|    the ODF issue, they attributed the story to Microsoft, right, wrong
|    or otherwise. Senator Pacheco may be a bully but I do not believe he
|    is disingenious and would stoop to such a tactic. Senator Pacheco and
|    Secretary Galvin's office remain very heavily influenced by the
|    Microsoft money and its lobbyist machine, as witnessed by their
|    playbook and words, in my opinion.
|    Quinn:  I believe that the ODF decision will stand. I believe MS
|    will continue to do anything and everything it can to stop it. And I
|    know my seat wasn't even empty and they (MS) took another shot at
|    the title, to no avail. This horse is out of the barn and I see no
|    way for it to go back in. Remember, all we are asking for was and is
|    for Microsoft to commit to open and the standards process; so
|    everyone looks really bad if the plug gets pulled at this juncture. 


MA Governor-Elect Names MS Anti-ODF Lobbyist to Technology Advisory Group


The Sorry State of Massachusetts


Microsoft offers schools in Mass. free software (to stop ODF adoption)


Microsoft plays Massachusetts Senate card

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