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Elive 1.8.4 development released
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| The Elive Team is proud to announce the release of development version 1.8.4
EnGarde Secure Community 3.0.20 Release Notes
,----[ Quote ]
| Guardian Digital is happy to announce the release of EnGarde Secure Community
| 3.0.20 (Version 3.0, Release 20). This release includes many updated packages
| and bug fixes and some feature enhancements to the EnGarde Secure Linux
| Installer and the SELinux policy.
(R)ecovery (I)s (P)ossible 6.3 @
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| I saw the distrowatch announcement on the ELive beta, so I figured I would
| give it a try. On a very low end system with an old intel card, this thing is
| fast and definitely has a wow factor. I recommend anyone with a spare blank
| cd check it out. Enlightenment used to be the king of window managers, it
| could be again if they keep this up.
First look at Elive 1.0
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| I love Elive and version 1.0 is a wonderful first full release. Just about
| everything works and works well. The system and applications are stable and
| fast performing and Elive looks exceptionally beautiful doing it.
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| Summarizing, Elive 1.0 Gem's strenght is actually it's graphical/animative
| prowess. Since Elive 1.0 aka Elive Gem is based on Debian Etch, I am not
| surprised at all that it is a very stable Linux distro.
Enlighten your desktop with Elive
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| Elive's been in development for several years now and in fact is so
| popular that its developer, Samuel "Thanatermesis" F. Baggen, works on
| it full time. In this month's article, Samuel explains his reasons for
| spinning Elive and how the distro has evolved over the years.
Elive - Are You Ready for a New Linux Experience?
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| In conclusion, even if the E 17 window manager is still in heavy development,
| it still looks and acts very well on this stable version of Elive. The
| development team exceeded all my expectations, because of the work they did
| on the E 17 customization and all the other improvements and innovation to
| ease our lives. Try Elive right now, because you will love it, you will adore
| it and most of all, I'll promise you will be addicted to it a long time from
| now on.
Elive Revolution Released
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| The new version STABLE of Elive is finally released, codename Revolution,
| new screenshots section, using the new systems for the LiveCD mode, a lot
| of work is done on this release of Elive since the last stable release
| called Serenity, the changelog is huge...
Review: EnGarde Secure Linux (LiveCD)
,----[ Quote ]
| I would highly recommend downloading and running EnGarde. It gives you a
| very easy to use Web-based GUI with multiple, built-in security appliances
| like IDS and firewall, and you can easily leverage the added security
| benefits of SELinux (if you decide to install EnGarde as opposed to running
| the LiveCD).
New Version of EnGarde Secure Linux Released
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| If you had a chance to read "Linux Firewalls" and wanted to give them a try,
| EnGarde is the perfect platform to get your hands on these new tools for the
| best in secure servers.
Guardian Digital announces introduction of completely redesigned SurfSecure
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| Guardian Digital, the world's premier open source Internet security company,
| reinforced their dedication to web security with completely redesigned and
| updated version of their popular Web and Content Filtering solution,
| SurfSecure.
| [....]
| The combined force of the brand new SurfSecure solution, along with the
| award-winning EnGarde Linux Platform, allows organizations to get the best of
| both worlds: Leading-edge technology from IBM to ensure the most secure,
| efficient corporate web usage, with the robust architecture of the veteran
| Open Source platform, EnGarde Secure Linux.
EnGarde -- Secure Linux Server
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| This will be an unusual review, due to the fact that the distribution under
| review doesn’t have an X server, and you don’t really need to login on it to
| work… This review is about the just released EnGarde Secure Server 3.0.16
| developed by Guardian Digital company with the help of the community.
Launch of EnGarde Linux Community: New Support for Virtualization, Quick
Download and Multiple Enhancements
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| This release includes many updated packages and bug fixes, some feature
| enhancements to Guardian Digital WebTool and the SELinux policy, and a few
| new features. They include completely new support for virtual machines (KVM),
| a new, quick download process, improvements to the navigation interface and
| more.
The LXer Interview: Dave Wreski of EnGarde Secure Linux
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| Open source has slowly but surely shed its skin only as an "alternative" and
| is now considered a primary solution.
Veteran Open Source Security firm releases Server platform: EnGarde Secure
Linux Community
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| Guardian Digital is happy to announce the release of EnGarde Secure Community
| 3.0.17 (Version 3.0, Release 17).
Review : Engarde Secure Linux
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| There are hundreds of Linux distributions targeting a diverse sets of users.
| While quite a number of these Linux distributions - especially the main
| stream ones - position themselves as a universal solution to all your Linux
| expectations, there are some of them which take a specialist role of one form
| or other, catering to a specific set of Linux users.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)