On Fri, 26 Dec 2008 23:19:15 -0600, Sinister Midget wrote:
> On 2008-12-27, nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> claimed:
>> On Dec 26, 8:12 pm, Erik Funkenbusch <e...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>>> The thing you fail to realize Roy, is that *YOU* egage in exactly the
>>> same behavior you pretend to loathe.
>> You mean....writing letters to the editor using the names of dead
>> people, saturating news groups under multiple false names, pretending
>> to represent a "grass roots" movement? Is that what you mean?
> Wow! I didn't know Roy was doing *any* of that!
> Now all we need to do is find somebody with the slightest hint of
> cedibility to confirm it.
wintrolls, trolls and mactrolls need not apply.
If we wish to reduce our ignorance, there are people we will
indeed listen to. Trolls are not among those people, as trolls, more or
less by definition, *promote* ignorance.
Kelsey Bjarnason, C.O.L.A. 2008