On 2008-12-24, Erik Funkenbusch <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
> On Wed, 24 Dec 2008 08:38:00 -0600, Terry Porter wrote:
>> Outstanding, I've been laughing myself stupid reading thru them. Sheer
>> genius dude!
> Sorry, too late. You're already too stupid.
Learn that trick from Hadron the Quook?
>> I've noticed over the years that Linux advocates, the killer ones (like
>> you) that eat wintrolls alive, that love confrontation, have a killer
>> sense of humour.
> If you think Sinister is hilarious, that would explain a lot. You're like
> those Blue Collar Comedy people that laugh hysterically every time Larry
> the Cable guy says "Get 'er dun".
> You probably won't get that reference, but those in the US certainly will.
I happen to like Larry. Although I have to admit to thinking the "Git
'er done" line is wearing thin.
I'm just glad somebody gets some sort of kick out of some of my
"private" thoughts. (A different kind of kick than many of you
Windummies get, for sure.) The lovely and gracious Mrs. Midget just
doesn't understand me.
>> Wintrolls on the other hand are just dead boring, no sense of humour.
> I find it amusing that you openly admit to trolling the group, and doing
> your part to continue making it an unreadable cesspool.
How does a linux advocate troll a linux advocacy group?
I know how the Winbots do it. We already have plenty of examples from
the infamous Hadron Asshole Quark, Sh1T, Gary "flatfish" "abby"
"damien" "aftab" "suzie" "peter" "allen" "abbie" "allie" "Lois" "rich"
"robert" "quizno" "major" "laura" "poopy pants" "mooshoo" " mcswain"
"kendra" "frank" "suckyb" "nate" "elwin" "gilbert" "spanny" "ivan"
"luna" "babu" "cory" "franz" "jose" "gabriele" "connie" "gayclod"
"phoung" "susan" "torre" "elliot" "whizzer" "quinton" "fred" "saul"
"moshe" "john" "karel" "greg" "fawn" "debbie" "christine" "bill"
"tomas" "timmy" "kyle" "lily" "tracee" "heddy" "choppers" "hans"
"harvey" "sharon" "kenny" "sammy" "kent" "leslie" "simon" "paddy"
"jeff" "sally" "winnie" "gilligan" "itchy balls" "quimby" "philip"
"foamy" "heather" "sewer rat" "sewer_clown" "karla" Stewart, you,
Timmy, DuFuS and others that are very adept at that.
But you guys'n'gals aren't linux advocates. You're trolls, you're
Windopes, you're Windummies. You aren't linux advocates. You *are*
trolls because you troll a linux newsgroup. Just _saying_ someone is a
troll isn't enough. It requires actions. Actions just like those
perpetrated by you, Timmy, Doofie, Quack, Gary "hugh" "ishmeal" "jeff"
"kathy" "leaking onion" "okto_pussy" "swampee" "piss clam" "lindy"
"jorge" "sean" "thorsten" "willy" "kaptain kaput" "rothstein" "wilbur"
"lukumi" "organ creep" "major mynor" "patricia" "pickle_pete" "slacker"
"emmanuel" "phil" "sherlock holmes" "terri" "sista sledgehammer" "toby"
"the beaver" "yanick" "archie" "gilbert" "claire" "colon" "baba booey"
"common cold" "collie" "tryxie" "charlie" "uday" "anna" "buster"
"debbie" "leaking onion" "donn" "patty" "anonymous" "ana" Stewart and
For Terry to be a troll he'd have to go post pro-something posts in a
group dedicated to something else for the sole purpose of distrupting
the other group. Like you guys do.
> Now that's genius.
What's "genius"? Your misrepresentation of facts? Do tell.
Everybody believes in something and everybody, by virtue of the fact that
they believe in something, use that something to support their own
-- Frank Zappa