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[News] [Rival] US Can be Crushed by Microsoft Windows Zombies

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US cybersecurity defences fail to thwart mock cyberattack

,----[ Quote ]
| The basic scenario involved exercises in electronic disruption accompanying a 
| national emergency, a sequence of events played out in Estonia last year and 
| more recently in Georgia. Defenders drew on established defence procedures 
| but these turned out to be inadequate, for reasons not explained in any 
| detail by participants.    


"I’m thinking of hitting the OEMs harder than in the past with anti-Linux. ...
they should do a delicate dance"

                --Joachim Kempin, Microsoft OEM Chief


Microsoft RPC exploit could be a packaged deal

,----[ Quote ]
| While Microsoft has labeled Thursday's emergency patch MS08-067 as "critical"
| and provided a rare out-of-cycle fix because its exploit could easily be used
| as worm on a compromised network, one security researcher doesn't think it
| will happen that way.
| "It's likely we're going to see this packaged with some other attack." said
| Ben Greenbaum, senior research manager at Symantec. "A Web-based attack, for
| example. We're looking out for are exploits of this being bundled with
| client-side exploits or Trojans so that the worm can get past corporate
| firewalls and get behind that firewall into the internal network."


Trojan attacks Microsoft's emergency patch vuln

,----[ Quote ]
| A day after Microsoft released an emergency patch for a critical flaw that
| could allow self-replicating attacks, researchers have identified a nasty
| trojan that attempts to exploit the vulnerability.

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