After takin' a swig o' grog, Ezekiel belched out
this bit o' wisdom:
> I'd say list the item as: GParted (Partition Manager) - or something like
> that. Let's be realistic, anyone who is trying out Linux is by definition a
> new user who isn't familiar with any of this stuff. They're already a bit
> uncomfortable and hesitant with their new OS. You gotta at least give them
> some /clues/ what these menu items are.
It does take awhile to get familiar with where everything is on a Linux
system. Took me about a month before I felt comfortable, and I used
"linuxconf" as a crutch for quite awhile..
I like to believe that people in the long run are going to do more to promote
peace than our governments. Indeed, I think that people want peace so much
that one of these days governments had better get out of the way and let them
have it.
-- Dwight D. Eisenhower