After takin' a swig o' grog, Ezekiel belched out
this bit o' wisdom:
> Personally I don't think this is the place to be talking about PS3's or
> XBoxes or iPhones. This having been said, there have been *dozens* of posts
> from 'advocates' crowing about how great the PS3 is because it can run
> Yellow Dog Linux along with ridiculous claims about how the 'desktop
> computer is dead' because masses are going to start using the PS3 + Linux
> for their computing needs.
Ahg, it was just a couple of over-enthusiastic souls clamoring about it.
> Since it's been deemed appropriate to discuss gaming consoles and sales of
> gaming consoles in COLA ad-nauseam then it is certainly on-topic to point
> out that the PS3 is terminally ill.
Odd. Sony's come out with teevee ads for it now.
> Basically I find these 'XBox proves that MS is going out of business'
> arguments intellectually insulting. Perhaps there are some people here who
> are so mentally retarded that they believe this. But anyone who has enough
> brains to balance a checkbook should find it insulting that some idiot is
> trying to sell this nonsense as some sort of fact.
I generally agree, but tend not to pay much attention to such lightweight
I think XBox shows just how crappy Microsoft hardware can get, and how well
they were able to survive it quite long enough to mostly fix it.
My main Microsoft hardware worry is this MS Natural 4000 ergonomic keyboard,
as the jack-cheap sprayed on lettering slowly erodes from the keys. It'll
be a Belkin or Logitech or something else, anything but Microsoft, for my
next keyboard. I suppose I can rely on my decent touch-typing skills. :-(
Justice always prevails ... three times out of seven!
-- Michael J. Wagner