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Re: FYI, Roy, integrated circuits are products

On 2008-12-14, Erik Funkenbusch <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
> On Sat, 13 Dec 2008 17:57:03 -0600, Terry Porter wrote:

>> Tim,
>> Do you think a Windows advocate posting on COLA to criticise Linux 
>> Advocates, year after year looks anything other than stupid himself?
>> When a Linux Advocate posts something here that is wrong or misinformed, 
>> it doesn't affect Linux all, they just made a mistake ... big deal.
>> It's only big news to the Wintrolls like you, who think that a mistake 
>> means the end of Linux.
>> Keep dreaming.
> And i notice you completely avoid the issue.
> Roy doesn't care if he's factual or not.  He absolutely does not care one
> iota if what he posts if real, true, factual, or made up.  What's worse, he
> continues to post it, even after corrected.  

Corrected by whom? People he has filtered, such as yourself?

> The fact that you support Roy's unconscionable disregard for truth or facts
> makes you just as bad as him.

Guilt by association?

Let's see. You've never seen fit to counter the lies from, or scold:

The Doof

Those are all relatively recent. But there are also many others you
haven't bothered to "correct" over the years.  The countless and
unending number of other trolls who have infested this place for
periods of time and vanished (other than flatfart and Quirk nyms) and
you never botherd to take to task.

You fail to take their claptrap on, despite being called on it numerous
times by people you don't have filtered. I know I've mentioned it
/several/ times, so it's not possible that you missed it.

The fact that you support the trolls' unconscionable disregard for
truth, facts and common courtesy by remaining silent makes you just as
bad as them.

Touché, Erik. Pot, kettle and all that.

Everybody in this room is wearing a uniform, and don't kid yourselves.
-- Frank Zappa

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