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Re: FYI, Roy, integrated circuits are products

  • Subject: Re: FYI, Roy, integrated circuits are products
  • From: Hadron <hadronquark@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2008 01:13:46 +0100
  • Cancel-lock: sha1:lh9t3FGC3Z2e5zPvTBErn2NrYQw=
  • Face: iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAADAAAAAwEAAAAAAi+XoYAAAACXBIWXMAAAsSAAALEgHS3X78 AAAACXZwQWcAAAAwAAAAMADO7oxXAAAB3ElEQVRYw+1YQY7DMAjkUOUH+7w8rp/a6976jgqNZgEH O9hJtZeVlbayMcOAA7jy+P7skKrgvj1fGPum40YAVaeKf770wahDSUU5lVIxZvj5fC0DmCKzFxYb K6z3eci5z3V7TwH44ZkEoHK1/Dz4yiQ3Q7It+oB85bSoLCGKDEi8foRhTJlBXz0cop9RGfgWY0B7 8rh4R7YRKwL0hEcR6RsluYOOojo/OkllALxec/aTQdlFVQCbQeiLALktmYuosm//BIPIwVvLozsB cBRHmssCCfVT2bR3iphBCQLIUSYdvsl5SPEO+9q2VNH6qcuzuVAyaeMHi/5cNl0AmE3YCzW5F+ob +yJCXAM5aVuuO+q08Rongptax+pLdUNvOg8jM8IrHORKAP8B/hJg+YaTJeljUfR1bQogL4GYPQIs MDiq6s9WXSi+SGLwfmDXCruR+VXmW5tncuTcLwAvG1iimHUNdgnEOjnpNxsaQLRG7ZvElIyN5hJT DAu5rXWa54YVapV4ecgs9uq4zavxTqIPAoCVxugSXltbAJuxpn0I4BUYgO9D2/XclRGAB0HMbgty vHEZoA8u5Yyj7kgZRE96S3wM/BmKQO0+mBYAfDPovznr/0QweQOwSufl8OsNeVvbJyygiTQAAAAa elRYdGpwZWc6Y29sb3JzcGFjZQAAeNozBAAAMgAyKaSaiQAAACF6VFh0anBlZzpzYW1wbGluZy1m YWN0b3IAAHjaM6owAgABuwDdc2AyqwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: http://forums.debian.net/viewforum.php?f=10
  • References: <reply_in_group-B6A3EC.12221313122008@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> <hPSdna0N95RS1tnUnZ2dnUVZ_gidnZ2d@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • User-agent: GNU Emacs (i686-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.12.11) of 2008-11-19 on Linux development 2.6.26-1-686 #1 SMP
  • Xref: ellandroad.demon.co.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:714395

Terry Porter <linux-2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> On Sat, 13 Dec 2008 12:22:13 -0800, Tim Smith wrote:
>> When a company that designs, manufactures, and sells chipsets for things
>> like LCD panel controllers, PCI bridges, USB and Firewire hardware, and
>> similar things, sues another company over a patent over one of their own
>> inventions related to one of those fields, they are not a "patent troll"
>> with "no products".
>> Constantly misusing terminology such as "patent troll" just makes your
>> cause look stupid.
> Tim,
> Do you think a Windows advocate posting on COLA to criticise Linux 
> Advocates, year after year looks anything other than stupid himself?
> When a Linux Advocate posts something here that is wrong or misinformed, 
> it doesn't affect Linux all, they just made a mistake ... big deal.
> It's only big news to the Wintrolls like you, who think that a mistake 
> means the end of Linux.
> Keep dreaming.

Would you care to post a link to Tim being a "wintroll"?


Why not?

Oh! I know. You're an arse who hardly ever posts anything right. Hardly
ever. You have been corrected more times here than Liarmutt has received
pats on the head from Roy.

How does it go? "All apps which run on Windows are crap" (terry forgets
Firefox, Gimp etc run on Windows too). "My site indicates Linux has 25%
of the market" (terry neglects to mention his site is a Linux
resource). I could go on but it's too embarrassing for all concerned to
see you make such a pillock of yourself time after time after time. If
you could stick to FACTS like Tim and others then maybe, just maybe, you
would not be such a laughing stock.

"XP is a flop and when users are still asking for W98 it shows that they
aren't all taken in with the MS hype."
               comp.os.linux.advocacy - where they put the lunacy in advocacy

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