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[News] [Rival] Microsoft Attacks Free Software (Time to Stop Pretending)

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Microsoft's Tired TCO Toffee

,----[ Quote ]
| Those with good memories may recall a phase that Microsoft went through in 
| which it issued (and generally commissioned) a stack of TCO studies 
| that “proved” Windows was better/cheaper than GNU/Linux. Of course, they did 
| nothing of the sort, since the methodology was generally so flawed you could 
| have proved anything.    


Microsoft, Open Source Schizoids

,----[ Quote ]
| The best word for Microsoft's attempts to deal with open source is schizoid. 
| On the one hand you have the folks at the Open Source Lab, who are building 
| what bridges they can -- and on the other, you have the rest of the company, 
| including its marketing and PR divisions, who may end up undoing what good is 
| done. At the end of the day, they're still a proprietary-platform outfit, and 
| they have to uphold that.     



Microsoft, Novell Tag-Team Against Chinese Distros

,----[ Quote ]
| Currently, the major Linux players in the China market are home-grown Red 
| Flag; Hong Kong-based Sun Wah Linux; Japanese player TurboLinux; and Red Hat. 
| Of the other players, only TurboLinux has joined Microsoft's Interop Vendor 
| Alliance, which seeks to help vendors insure interoperability between their 
| applications and Microsoft's; the rest remain independent.   
| [...]
| Back in 2005, Sun Wah Linux announced the sale of nearly 142,000 Linux PCs in 
| what it said was the largest Linux desktop rollout in China to date, to the 
| Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education. Sun Wah also provided 
| maintenance, tech support and Linux training to schools and universities 
| supplied with its operating system.    

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