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Re: [News] Mono... It's a Trap

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Miguel, Mono and Microsoft
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | is Mono's role in the deal that of a hook to make customers write
> | .NET applications because they can be run on Linux - only to find
> | later on that they are armless or legless because of a change in
> | the .NETspecifications, a change which Microsoft decides not to
> | make public?


Make _customers_ write? Customers don't write applications, they use
them. Developers write applications. If developers write to the wrong
platform, they get no customers and go out of business.

I guess Mono and .NET are a non issue from where I sit (technical and
engineering apps). Nobody writes in .NET and only the clerical staff use

Paul Hovnanian	paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Have gnu, will travel.

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