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Re: [News] Antitrust Against Big Media Moguls, BSA Resorts to Terrorising Businesses

Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> Major labels 'face DoJ antitrust probe'
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| "The subscription model is the only way to save the music business," Rubin 
>| has said. "If music is easily available at a price of five or six dollars a 
>| month, then nobody will steal it."  
> `----
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/02/07/universal_sonybmg_antitrust_report/

Sanity begins to dawn here?

> Glaswegian piracy drive yields just 41 'possible' offenders
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| The Business Software Alliance (BSA) wrote to 8,000 firms in November last 
>| year in which it urged bosses in the Scottish city to ensure that the 
>| software they used was legal and fully licensed.  
> `----
> http://www.channelregister.co.uk/2008/02/07/bsa_claims_glasgow_piracy_success/
> Another reason to just move to Free software and stop worrying.
> Recent:
> Software pirates put sizeable dent in UK economy
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| The Business Software Alliance (BSA) claimed today in its annual "Global 
>| Software Piracy Study" ? which was carried out by analyst firm IDC ? that a 
>|                                             [Microsoft puppet]-^^^
>| reduction in counterfeit software by ten per cent over four years could add 
>| an extra £4.46bn to Blighty's economy.   
> `----
> http://www.channelregister.co.uk/2008/01/22/bsa_software_piracy/
> Related:
> Why open source has always deserved a census
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| Ever since we learned that the Canadian Alliance Against Software Theft 
>| doesn?t take into account open source software when it comes up with its 
>| annual piracy statistics, we stopped reporting their numbers. When you only 
>| look at proprietary shipments, you miss a great piece of the puzzle. We just 
>| don?t know how big a piece it is.    
> `----
> http://blogs.itworldcanada.com/shane/2007/12/12/why-open-source-has-always-deserved-a-census/
> Get free software and save a fortune
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| Though the most popular open- source package is ubuntu, funded by local 
>| entrepreneur Mark Shuttleworth, South African business is generally paying 
>| dearly for its ignorance of free software, says a study by international 
>| market research firm Frost and Sullivan.   
>| The report, South African Open Source Market, said allegations by large 
>| developers, led by Microsoft, and the Business Software Alliance, of piracy 
>| and copyright violations have cast a shadow over the legitimacy of free 
>| software.   
> `----
> http://www.thetimes.co.za/Business/Article.aspx?id=602887
> Legality of Fedora in production environment
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| Recently the appropriate laws in my country (Russia) have beens
>| ignificantly toughened. Now the police can check for illegal software
>| usage by their own initiative (without request from the owner). The
>| tax inspection demands that software should be registered at
>| accounts departments.
>| During such a checking, the user is obliged now to show all hardcopy
>| license documents (with original signatures and stamps).
> `----
> http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-list/2007-May/msg00697.html
> Hypocrisy off the port bow!
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| Admiral Holleyman of the Bull Shit Association dares claim that our craft 
>| makes his skainsmates lose (that's the opposite o' win, for all ye 
>| spelling-retarded coppocias) $11 billion US dollars every year. Hoy-day! A 
>| flight of fancy I've ne'er seen before such bardleture came before me! Such 
>| presumptuous posy overflows my yellow bile. As if every man of the 
>| brotherhood would actually buy the programs he pirates! Bah! Next, I wager 
>| he'll be so bloody daft to presume that blokes should actually read a license 
>| agreement, the likes o' which have never been, and may yet never be enforced 
>| in full.        
> `----
> http://www.thejemreport.com/mambo/content/view/364
> U.S.-China joint probe nets fake software
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| The figure represents 10 percent of software piracy losses in China in 2006, 
>| according to the Business Software Alliance. 
> `----
> http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070724/tc_nm/piracy_china_software_dc
> Big businesses boast of patent benefits, for small businesses
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| A report published by an EU task force on intellectual property claims
>| that small businesses benefit from a patent system, despite lacking
>| almost any participation by the small business community.
>| Instead, the report, titled IPR (intellectual property rights) for
>| competitiveness and innovation, was written up almost entirely by
>| large corporations and the patent industry.
>| [...]
>| The report does note objections from the likes of patentfrei.de and
>| Sun Microsystems, which were recorded at some length in the report.
>| But this does not appear to have impacted the conclusion of the
>| report in any way
>| [...]
>| Jean-Pierre Laisne, of ObjectWeb, an open source software community,
>| said that he found the report useless: participants were told that
>| all their contributions would be recorded but at the end only
>| those of Business Software Alliance and Microsoft were used.
> `----      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> http://www.pcpro.co.uk/news/99155/big-businesses-boast-of-patent-benefits-for-small-businesses.html
> Updates of Sorts and Things to Watch Out For.
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| While there may have been the Enrons, Haliburtons, and other companies that 
>| members of We Are Change have to deal with, there are two main 
>| companies/groups that we have to deal with:  
>|     * Microsoft
>|     * The Business Software Alliance
>| It?s a symbiotic relationship of sorts between the two.  One is supposed to 
>| make sure that users have shelled out an arm and a leg for their copies of 
>| software, yet it is used by the other to blackmail these same users.  For now 
>| though, let us focus on the Redmond, Washington software company.  In Michael 
>| Moore?s Fahrenheit 9/11, there was a brief clip that allegedly showed a 
>| meeting of many companies who were talking about Iraq (second invasion of? at 
>| least it was implied to me anyway), and one of the names dropped: Microsoft.      
> `----
> http://nixedblog.thenixedreport.com/?p=57
> Microsoft Happy with the Evolution of Windows Vista Piracy
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| But the truth is that Microsoft is happy with the way Windows Vista
>| piracy is evolving. Is there a catch to this? No. The fact of the
>| matter is that Windows Vista has delivered a heavy blow to
>| software counterfeiters. The reason for this is the new Windows
>| Genuine Advantage security mechanism integrated into the
>| operating system.
>| You may not notice this on the surface. On the surface, the
>| Internet is crawling with Windows Vista cracks, hacks and
>| workarounds. On the surface, every Windows Vista edition has
>| been cracked and is available for download via peer-to-peer 
>| networks. But this is not the true extent of Windows Vista piracy.
> `----
> http://news.softpedia.com/news/Microsoft-Happy-with-the-Evolution-of-Windows-Vista-Piracy-50577.shtml
> Governments Must Reject Gates' $3 Bid to Addict Next Billion PC Users 
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| "Microsoft's strategy of getting developing nations hooked on its
>| software was clearly outlined by Bill Gates almost a decade ago," said
>| Con Zymaris, CEO of long-standing open source firm Cybersource. 
>| Specifically, Bill Gates, citing China as an example, said:
>|   "Although about 3 million computers get sold every year in China, but
>|   people don't pay for the software," he said. "Someday they will, though.
>|   As long as they are going to steal it, we want them to steal ours.
>|   They'll get sort of addicted, and then we'll somehow figure out how to
>|   collect sometime in the next decade."[1]
> `----
> http://www.cybersource.com.au/press/gates_set_to_addict_next_billion.html
> Microsoft seals its Windows and opens the door to Linux
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| Now comes the really interesting question. With Vista's activation
>| technology, Microsoft has the power to stamp out piracy everywhere. But
>| will it choose to do so everywhere? After all, if folks in China or
>| Thailand or Ethiopia have to pay for Vista, they won't be able to run
>| it because they won't be able to afford the licence fee. In which case
>| they may finally wake up to the attractions of free software such as
>| Linux - and it's easy to imagine what that will do to Microsoft's
>| plans for world domination.
>| It's a delicious prospect: Microsoft impaling itself on the horns
>| of a dilemma it has created for itself. Roll on Thursday.
> `----
> http://observer.guardian.co.uk/business/story/0,,1956941,00.html
> What about selling free software
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| Gervase Markham, the Mozilla Foundation's licensing officer, in an
>| article in the Times Online, talks about being questioned by a
>| northern UK Trading License Officer about giving away software.
>| The trading officer was concerned by a group that was burning the
>| free Mozilla Browser on CDs and selling it.
> `----
> http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/blogs/what_about_selling_free_software
> Report: The Business of Free Software
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| In his Nov. 21 column, Conrado Banal said I did not really author the
>| bill "Free/Open Source Act of 2006" now pending in Congress. And
>| quoting the Business Software Alliance (BSA), he also derided the
>|             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>| bill as a "prime model of confusion."
>| Let me assure him that I authored the bill. My office worked on it for
>| four months. It started with a suggestion from FOSS (free/open
>| source software) advocates in the Computer Professionals Union
>| (CPU). Modeled after the Brazil and Peru FOSS policies, it is the
>| result of inputs from various geeks, techies and FOSS
>| practitioners--from my two staff who happen to be competent IT
>| professionals, IT lawyers in the UP College of Law, members of
>| the Philippine Linux Users Group (PLUG), GNU/Linux guru and
>| prime advocate Richard Stallman of the MIT-based Free Software
>| Foundation, who personally e-mailed his very valuable comments.
>| It also contains inputs from the government?s Commission on
>| Information and Communications Technology and the International
>| Open Source Network of the UNDP.
> `----
> http://business.inq7.net/money/topstories/view_article.php?article_id=36605

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk          |
| Cola faq:  http://www.faqs.org/faqs/linux/advocacy/faq-and-primer/   |
| Cola trolls:  http://colatrolls.blogspot.com/                        |
| My (new) blog:  http://www.thereisnomagic.org                        |

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