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[News] Study: Education Institutions Look at Free Software

  • Subject: [News] Study: Education Institutions Look at Free Software
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 08 Feb 2008 16:08:10 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Many Education Institutions Are Beginning to Look towards Open Source Software
as an Answer to Their Challenges

,----[ Quote ]
| This strategy brief looks at what education institutions are doing, and 
| should be doing, when thinking about implementing an open source solution. 


It's only common sense for pedagogues.

Open your mind to sharing innovation

,----[ Quote ]
| Open Source software often evolves at an astonishing pace compared with 
| conventional software development as people improve, adapt and share changes 
| openly adding value over time. Bugs and security flaws in the software can 
| often be fixed within days rather than weeks and the openness and 
| transparency of the source code leads to improved quality in design, 
| functionality and usability.     



Open Source Poised for Surge in Education

,----[ Quote ]
| Open source software will nearly double in the education space over the next 
| four years. From its present level of $286.2 million, the market--including 
| software, services, and maintenance--will reach $489.9 million by 2012, 
| according to a report released today by market analyst Datamonitor, which 
| proclaimed that "open source software has the ability to change the face of 
| the education Industry."     
| This growth includes both higher education and K-12 education and includes 
| financial investments only; it does not measure open source adoptions that do 
| not include some form of commercial transaction, whether that be in the form 
| of support, maintenance contracts, or other financial commitments.   


Debian Edu / Skolelinux wins the Scandinavian Free Software Award

,----[ Quote ]
| The Free Software Foundation Europe announced that Debian-Edu / Skolelinux, 
| an international project, is the winner of the first Free Software 
| Scandinavian Award, during the Free Software Conference Scandinavia 2007, in 
| Goteborg, Sweden, December 7th, 2007.    


Skolelinux 3.0:Debian Based Linux Distribution!

,----[ Quote ]
| Skolelinux is internationally available and it is currently being translated 
| into many languages, including German, French, Norwegian, Polish, Greek and 
| Spanish.  


Silverstripe, Google team up for high school open source competition

,----[ Quote ]
| Kiwi high school students are among over 1000 southern hemisphere 
| pre-tertiary youngsters demonstrating their IT prowess this summer in a new 
| competition being run by Google.  
| The Google Highly Open Participation Contest (GHOP) is a pilot programme 
| developed on the heels of Google's Summer of Code and is specifically 
| designed to accommodate programmers and IT enthusiasts south of the equator.   


Linux Education in America: Inspiration from Russia?

,----[ Quote ]
| The reason that the Russian announcement is funny boils down to the 
| perception over the years that Russia equates to totalitarianism, whilst here 
| in America we're all about Freedom and innovation. Yet our educational 
| system -- the very underpinnings of how we're growing out future 
| technological talent, is based upon the inversion of what one would expect 
| given the respective reputations of both countries.     


Russian Linux (ALTLinux) to be installed in every school in Russia

,----[ Quote ]
| Russian OS is to be installed on every school computer in Russia by 2009. 
| Furthermore, every pupil will get the opportunity to operate the applied 
| software produced in Russia, Leonid Reiman, acting Minister of Communication 
| stated at a press conference. According to Mr. Reiman, that might 
| significantly reduce Russian dependence on foreign software.    


Stretching the Education Dollar With Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| The fact that open source solutions offer a wider range of choices
| and options than their proprietary counterparts make them truly
| useful alternatives to closed solutions, Henson says, especially
| for administrative tasks. "[W]ith open source solutions,
| organizations can freely customize the software to their
| specific requirements. This is particularly important when
| organizations wish to integrate with their existing software
| -- such as student and employee management systems. Developing
| such APIs is often extremely costly and time-consuming to
| facilitate with proprietary software vendors."


Kamloops school district gets an education in free software

,----[ Quote ]
| The Kamloops/Thompson School District in British Columbia, Canada, is a 
| free software success story. Gregg Ferrie, manager of information 
| technology for the district, believes its infrastructure may be "the 
| largest Linux on-the-desktop implementation in Western Canada" in 
| public education.


Cavazos Presentation on Open Source

,----[ Quote ]
| Training teachers and students to use a piece of software makes 
| that software more valuable. Vendors know this. Business sense, 
| not altruism, is what drives deep discounts on software for 
| education. I once spoke to a vendor of an online grade book 
| who, upon learning that I train teachers, was very interested 
| in my using it in my classes.


More Than Open Source: A Second Look at Sakai

,----[ Quote ]
| Because it often gets the most press for being "open source" software
| you may not know that Sakai has unique features--many not found in
| other course management systems--that have attracted schools all over
| the world, from small liberal arts colleges to large Ivy League
| institutions to online universities--campuses with and without
| enormous IT resources. And one or more of these unique features
| may solve a particular problem on your campus.


UK Parliament considering FOSS in Schools, Universities

,----[ Quote ]
| UK Member of Parliament, John Pugh, has proposed an Early Day Motion on
| FLOSS in schools. One goal is to modernize the purchasing process to
| stop hindering FOSS choices. To-date 19 MPs have already signed it.
|                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| UK-based people can write to their MP and ask them to sign this motion.
|                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| Writing will help raise FLOSS higher on the agenda and contribute to 
| promotion in general.


OSC joins criticism of UK education's attitude to open source

,----[ Quote ]
| Open Source Consortium president, Mark Taylor, has been in contact to
| voice its opinion on the controversy surrounding Becta's purchasing
| frameworks and the adoption of open source adoption in UK schools.
| In short, it doesn't make happy reading for Becta. "The essence of 
| our concern is that they're saying one thing and actually pursuing
| policies that are exclusive," he said. ?Becta?s own research shows there
| are major benefits [with open source], however the reality of the
| framework is that it excludes both products and services."


UK MPs question government barriers to open source in schools

,----[ Quote ]
| The survey found that 77% of institutions consider open source software
| when procuring software, although only 25% of institutions mention OSS
| in an institutional policy.


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