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[News] Xen Preinstalled on Servers, LinuxBIOS Renamed

  • Subject: [News] Xen Preinstalled on Servers, LinuxBIOS Renamed
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 07 Feb 2008 05:16:23 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Citrix says Xen to be preinstalled on servers

,----[ Quote ]
| A senior executive with Citrix Systems Inc said on Wednesday that the 
| business software maker expects to announce agreements to preinstall its Xen 
| software on machines made by some of the world's biggest makers of server 
| computers .   
| "There are announcements coming," Simon Crosby, chief technology officer of 
| the virtualization and management division of Citrix said in an interview. 


In other interesting news, LinuxBIOS is renamed and it's already available on
preinstalled on some boards, IIRC.

LinuxBIOS renames to coreboot

,----[ Quote ]
| The free and open source firmware project LinuxBIOS was recently renamed - it 
| is now called coreboot. The name LinuxBIOS strictly suffered the New Mexico 
| problem ("It's not New, and it's not Mexico") as people confused it with a 
| Linux only piece of software or the 20+ years old IBM invention.   




LinuxBIOS: The Forgotten Hero

,----[ Quote ]
| This begs the question: is anyone currently using LinuxBIOS on
| their machines? You bet they are. According to one recent report,
| LinuxBIOS was installed on about one million machines and that
| existing number is expected to rise significantly, assuming the
| rate of growth remains constant.


Google Sponsors the LinuxBIOS project

,----[ Quote ]
| The LinuxBIOS project aims to take down the last barrier in Open
| Source systems by providing a free firmware (BIOS) implementation.


LinuxBIOS ready to go mainstream

,----[ Quote ]
| LinuxBIOS is intended to provide a philosophically free replacement
| for proprietary firmware in chipsets. 


LinuxBIOS with X11 server, completely in Flash ROM

,----[ Quote ]
| All of this in a normal BIOS chip (2 MB), without any hard drive
| connected (who needs hard drives when you can fit everything in the
| BIOS just fine)...


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