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[OT] Less Science, More Abuse of Taxpayers?

  • Subject: [OT] Less Science, More Abuse of Taxpayers?
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2008 08:09:37 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Physicists go nuclear with online protest at funding cuts

,----[ Quote ]
| UK physics boffins have taken intensified their fight against an £80m hole in 
| annual funding with an online campaign for Gordon Brown to put his hand in 
| his pocket.  


EDS hits job cut target


Meanwhile (the accurate figures are still being questioned, without any proper

BBC iPlayer protest report

,----[ Quote
| First on site with me is Tom Chance, Green Party spokesperson on Free 
| Software. He has organized for Dr Derek Wall, lead spokesperson for the Green 
| Party to join us and make some statements about BBC iPlayer and the Microsoft 
| lock-in it establishes.   
| [...]
| We have 1500 fliers to distribute, that focus on the key issue with the 
| iPlayer, and why $130 Million and 4 years of development don't get you much 
|                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| when you choose Microsoft DRM.  


Anti-DRM Protesters call on the BBC to eliminate DRM from the iPlayer

,----[ Quote ]
| London and Manchester, England – Two weeks after the BBC officially launched 
| the iPlayer, protesters wearing bright yellow Hazmat suits gathered outside 
| BBC Television Center in London and BBC headquarters in Manchester to demand 
| that Digital Restrictions Management (DRM) be eliminated from the BBC.   
| The BBC have developed the "iPlayer" at a cost to the BBC license fee payer 
| of £130 Million and rising.  
|    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| [...]
| FSF Executive Director attending the protest spoke about the corrupting 
| influence of Microsoft, "BBC values have been corrupted because BBC 
| Executives are too closely associated with Microsoft. BBC values have been 
| corrupted because the iPlayer uses proprietary software and standards made 
| under an exclusive deal with Microsoft. BBC values have been corrupted 
| because license fee payers must now own a Microsoft operating system to 
| download BBC programming. BBC values have been corrupted because license fee 
| payers must accept DRM technologies that spy and monitor on the digital files 
| held on their computers. We are here today to help BBC Director General Mark 
| Thompson, clean up this DRM mess, and to encourage the BBC Trust to reverse 
| course and eliminate DRM from the BBC iPlayer"          


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