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Re: COLA Trolls Also Reside in Slashdot, Post as "Anonymous Coward"

  • Subject: Re: COLA Trolls Also Reside in Slashdot, Post as "Anonymous Coward"
  • From: Moshe Goldfarb <brick.n.straw@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2008 01:18:15 -0500
  • Bytes: 6087
  • Cancel-lock: sha1:Xqhiybo5zoY+D4+TyQjWroXAFFQ=
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: DiamondToe
  • References: <1539468.LMLynBeQ2x@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • User-agent: 40tude_Dialog/
  • Xref: ellandroad.demon.co.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:603133
On Tue, 05 Feb 2008 04:14:05 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Well, well... so it's not just Digg then.
> COLA's trolls appear to be very busy in Slashdot at the moment. They are doing
> their smear campaign against me in a ~30-post-long FP thread. As you ought to
> expect, COLA trolls post as "Anonymous Coward", which I never do (despite the
> troll's libellous claims).
> You can identify them by their words. So, does Microsoft also pay them to
> spread this filth in Slashdot too?
> http://developers.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=441432&cid=22295922
> More lies and slander to incite people... (BSD users)
> http://developers.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=441432&cid=22296098
> Shills!

Poor Roy Schestowitz.
Everyone is out to get him.

It looks like Slashdot's users have got your number big time Roy
What is your financial backer going to say?

Some comments from /.

 "by Anonymous Coward  on Monday February 04, @03:05PM (#22296404)
I thought you were kidding about crap-flooding. This is his Google stats

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2006 155 407 917 368 1240 1611 1731 1860 1979 1395 1705 1781
2007 2100 1910 2104 1847 1844 1430 1664 1462 1301 1034 1032 1038
2008 1215

1000 posts a month is about thirty a day. He's been doing _at least_ 30
USENET posts a day, every day, for over two years."

 "by microbee (682094) Alter Relationship   on Monday February 04, @03:21PM

This guy has no clue about open source anyway. "

"  by Anonymous Coward  on Monday February 04, @04:26PM (#22297938)

I just looked at his homepage. This guy is a total douche in my opinion.
Standard internet narcissist:

""    I am an active member of Sourceforge and Freshmeat, a popular author
in MATLAB Central and a part of The Computer Ring. I am heavily involved in
UseNet (see archive) as well as various technical groups. Occasionally I
moderate in Slashdot, continously promoting the use of GNU/Linux as a
main-stream operating system. I am committed to extending state-of-the-art
technologies (confer projects & utilities) and I have been serving the Web
since I was 15.""

He moderates slashdot! Amazing. Clueless people should be ignored, although
his website is amusingly awful: http://schesxxxxx.com/ xcadchestowitz.com]"

" by leyam (1233384)  on Tuesday February 05, @12:55AM (#22303404)
A few comments. Ad hominem attacks are generally not a good thing because
it is far more mature to attack the subject rather than the messenger.
However in this case, the messenger IS the subject so is it really an ad
hominem attack? As for Schestowitz, he is obviously being compensated for
his 'work' because according to his web site he is a PHD student which is
quite time consuming in itself. Where does he get time, and motivation, to
host various boycott sites, post thousands of messages to USENET, digg,
Propeller and various other sites? This is literally a 24x7 task given the
huge number of messages, comments etc. And if you read his messages in
comp.os.linux.advocacy, you can see that these are very long winded with
comments, reference urls (usually referring to one of his own blogs) and
quite oddly formated text. The logical conclusion is that he is being paid,
and that this is a well organized campaign which is being funded. Also it
does not appear to be humanly possible to accomplish what he is doing in a
given 24 hour period unless the person is not sleeping, not working and
certainly not studying and preparing for a PHD program. FWIW he has just
posted a message in comp.os.linux.advocacy calling this entire thread an
attack on him by shills. To me it looks like people are on to his purpose
and are starting to ask questions of him as to his real motives and he
doesn't like that. He makes the same complaints on digg.com BTW where he
claims the same 3 people are stalking him and modding him down. That
doesn't explain why his ratings are generally in the - double digits and
several times have been in - triple digits. People just don't like spam and
have no respect for what amounts to a paid spammer. He needs to learn this
for himself but I doubt that will ever happen because he appears to be a
classic narcissist. "

It's Official (Score:5, Funny)
by linumax (910946) Alter Relationship on Monday February 04, @02:52PM

BSD is dead, Roy Schestowitz confirms it! "

And about 30+ more like it....

Face it Roy Schestowitz, the jig is up and as soon as you start getting the
cease and desist letters from the people and companies your various boycott
sites are slandering/libeling, you will slink away into obscurity.
Unfortunately for you, by then your name will be splattered all over the
Internet and you'll be lucky if you can even get an interview, let alone a

Moshe Goldfarb
Collector of soaps from around the globe.
Please visit The Hall of Linux Idiots:

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