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Re: [News] [Rival] Claimed 'Profits' Do Not Tell Microsoft's True Story

Hadron wrote:

> Jerry McBride <jmcbride@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> Uh oh!
>>> Was Vista a disaster for Microsoft?
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | Recently Microsoft posted their profits for 2007. Despite Vista being
>>> | one of the worst disasters to hit the computer systems markets since
>>> | Windows ME, Microsoft seemed to come out way ahead... or did they?
>>> | 
>>> | Profits don't always tell the full story about how a company performs,
>>> | and I'm not talking about Enron. The case in point is to be found in
>>> | both K-mart and Disney Corporation. If your primary source of news is
>>> | ABC, CNN, Reuters, Associated Press, NBC, CBS, or such, you may not
>>> | have been aware that both K-mart and Disney corporation were under
>>> | boycott from conservative groups led by the likes of Focus on the
>>> | Family for years. In fact, if you listed to the liberal media, you
>>> | probably thought that K-Mart's retail problems in past years were due
>>> | to anything else other than a boycott.
>>> | 
>>> | [...]
>> I did some reading about this and I'm quite surprised how far bug
>> business will go to spite themselves in the name of political
>> correctness. If I was an investor in those businesses I would be worried
>> about where my money was being spent and what R.O.I. I was getting in the
>> exchange.
> You must be Mark Kent.
> If I was an investor I would look at profit margins.
> And I leave the rest to you and google.

ROI... Return On Investment... ie. profits...


Jerry McBride (jmcbride@xxxxxxxxxx)

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