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[News] [Rival] Microsoft's Bid As Proof That the Microsoft Stack is Pants?

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Microsoft's Bid As Proof That the Microsoft Stack is Pants?
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 03 Feb 2008 15:29:15 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
MiYahoo's future rests with open source and courage

,----[ Quote ]
| In so doing, Microsoft would send a clear message to many of its largest 
| customers. "A Microsoft-based web infrastructure is probably not the most 
| economical or exciting path for you to take."  
| The superstars of today's internet already know this. They're running on 
| software such as Apache, Linux and MySQL instead of Microsoft's family of 
| Server software. Many more traditional large businesses, however, remain 
| Microsoft shops and might begin to wonder if that's a good long-term bet when 
| even Redmond has turned to the dark side.    


Quote for the day:

"Number two is move Netscape out of the win32 client area."

                                --Paul Maritz, senior vice president Microsoft

Related and recent:

CRM company dumps Microsoft, remakes itself with LAMP

,----[ Quote ]
| What Kolke and his team found was that with the low cost of a LAMP stack 
| composed of CentOS, Apache, MySQL, and PHP, they were able to produce a range 
| of hosted CRM solutions that wasn't possible on a Microsoft 
| infrastructure. "Originally, we were intrigued by the pricing and 
| distribution model [of open source] and then by the economics of developers 
| in the community working on the code." The collaborative and cooperative 
| nature of the open source community struck a pleasant chord with Kolke. "We 
| were early users of the SOAP toolkit, and we had run into several walls with 
| Microsoft where we had problems with it but couldn't get clear answers on 
| when they were going to resolve the issues. We got the 'we know about it and 
| we'll get to it' answer. With the open source community, we found a lot more 
| support, and with having access to the code base we could contribute fixes. 
| So the support was a lot more appealing for us, along with the rapid 
| development cycle."             


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