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[News] GNU/Linux Already Embraces Firefox 3.0 Out of the Box

  • Subject: [News] GNU/Linux Already Embraces Firefox 3.0 Out of the Box
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 02 Feb 2008 14:59:22 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Ubuntu Alphas Offer a Sneak Peak at 'Hardy Heron'

,----[ Quote ]
| Hardy Heron will also ship with Firefox 3 as the default web browser; at the 
| moment the alphas use Firefox 3 beta 2. 


Firefox 3 getting integrated add-ons directory

,----[ Quote ]
| In addition to the integrated add-on directory, Firefox 3 beta 3 could be 
| getting a new coat of paint. The new version comes with updated navigation 
| buttons up top, and a classy new star button in the address bar that lets you 
| quickly file away a site you like, as you would a bookmark.    



Microsoft's browser market share drops 9.5 percent in a year

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft Explorer's share of the browser market has fallen almost 10 percent 
| in the past 12 months, to 63.9 percent, mostly at the expense of Firefox 
| which has boosted its share from 11.8 to 17.4 percent.  


IE6: The zombie browser

,----[ Quote ]
| Paul Graham's much-dissected essay Microsoft is Dead offers some witty and 
| perceptive analysis, but it sidesteps the fact that Microsoft's rotten corpse 
| will take decades to decompose.  


IE7 Bites the Dust! Firefox 2.0 Did It!

,----[ Quote ]
| In the same three months, Internet Explorer 7 only managed to move up from 
| 32.02% to 33.15% and to 33.55%, meaning that in the past two months IE7 only 
| jumped 1.53%.  


Firefox 3.0 Beta 2 Is A Win For Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Mozilla has released the latest beta of Firefox 3 today, and the Linux 
| efforts behind it are starting to show even more. This release, being a beta, 
| is surprisingly stable. Here’s the killer that makes this beta release 
| amazing: true GTK support.   


Personas from Mozilla Labs give Firefox a sleek coat

,----[ Quote ]
| I probably won't use Personas much myself since I greatly prefer the 
| unadulterated GTK look in Firefox 3, but the addon is very intriguing from a 
| technical standpoint. The way that Personas takes Firefox's Internet 
| capabilities and leverages theme to bring dynamic content to the Firefox  
| chrome layer is very creative and it reflects a lot of possibilities that I 
| had never previously considered.    


Update on the Firefox 3 Linux Theme

,----[ Quote ]
| Work on the new linux theme for Firefox 3 is progressing nicely due to a very 
| active group of contributers. To match the operating system’s theme, 
| Firefox’s navigation toolbar will use native GTK icons.   


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