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[News] Linux (or BSDs) Considerate to the Environment; Mac OS and Windows Not

  • Subject: [News] Linux (or BSDs) Considerate to the Environment; Mac OS and Windows Not
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2008 13:41:58 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Linux is Green!

,----[ Quote ]
| Surprisingly, it is even possible to run some versions of Linux on an old 486 
| running at 66 MHz with just 32 MB memory. (Yes indeed, Click here if you 
| don’t believe it). The 486 PC; that came out around 1994, I think. 66 
| megahertz - think of that - it’s pre-Internet.   
| [...]
| I googled in vain for any mention anywhere on the Internet of OS X and 
| environmental implications - despite the fact that Al Gore is on the Apple 
| executive board. Apple is big on environmentally friendly hardware, but 
| hasn’t thought yet about software.   
| When a googled for Windows and green, I got 20 million hits, most of them 
| relating to the correct windows to fit in buildings for the sake of energy 
| efficiency and none of them to do with environmentally friendly OSes  
| So the question is: Will Linux’s green credentials lead to wider adoption?
| I suspect it will, because green is now such a big issue. But I’m not sure 
| how much of an impact it will have. 


Case of point (new):

Review: DM&P/Icop eBox 4300

,----[ Quote ]
| This hands-on review looks at a small, silent, inexpensive PC based Via's 
| slowest, lowest-powered chip. The Icop eBox-4300 is small enough to piggyback 
| on VESA-compliant monitors, yet actually performs well enough under Linux for 
| desktop use, says reviewer and small-PC enthusiast Eric House.   
| [...]
| But with the CPU at nearly 100 percent the box never draws more than seven 
|                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| Watts (measured with a Kill-o-Watt meter). And after extended periods the 
| ^^^^^
| heat-sink serving as its cover is never more than warm to the touch -- much 
| cooler than my laptop gets when I push it.   



Torvalds' Linux is ready to go green



U.S. to require agencies to buy 'green' PCs, monitors

,----[ Quote ]
| Because the government is such a large user, PC vendors will be hustling to 
| comply with the new federal rule, McCarthy said.  


True or False: E-Waste

,----[ Quote ] 
| True or False: Switching from a Windows-operated computer to a Linux-operated 
| one could slash computer-generated e-waste levels by 50%. 
| The answer is: TRUE


Vista stumbles through first birthday

,----[ Quote ]
| Performance has also been a factor, with Vista branded by some industry 
| researchers as the most processor-hungry operating system to ever come out of 
| Redmond — something that jars with the current industry drive towards energy 
| efficiency and green IT.   


Open Source Software, OLPC, and the Importance of Being Green

,----[ Quote ]
| I'm referring to the need for the OLPC XO laptop to be extremely efficient in 
| its power consumption. The OLPC laptop is designed to be used in places where 
| there is no reliable power grid, or, in many cases, no power grid at all. 
| This has challenged the OLPC Project is be very creative in how power is 
| generated, stored and conserved.    


Linux, Windows duke it out over energy efficiency

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux appears to have an advantage at the moment: Companies are becoming 
| increasingly open to adopting the platform both in the server room and on the 
| desktop. Big-name vendors like IBM, HP, and Novell are giving the penguin a 
| push in the datacenter, framing it as a flexible and energy-efficient 
| platform. The fact that Linux offers greater virtualization opportunities 
| than Windows (a sentiment recently expressed by the VMWare CTO Mendel 
| Rosenblum) only strengthens the platform's green standing.      


GNU/Linux is the most power-efficient OS on Intel hardware

,----[ Quote ]
| According to a keynote given at OSCON, Intel's PowerTOP application has 
| allowed developers to get a close-up view of what is sucking power in a 
| GNU/Linux system. Apparently they've gotten so much feedback and patches that 
| they've been able to extend battery life by an hour since the first release, 
| making GNU/Linux the best OS for power saving.    


Report: Linux, open source greener than Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| A new report from the U.K. Office of Government Commerce about Open
| Source Software Trials in Government, has found that servers running
| Linux could combat the rising problem of e-waste because they last
| up to twice as long as machines running Windows.


Where's The Software To Catch Up To Multicore Computing? 

,----[ Quote ]
| A look at the Top500 Supercomputer Sites List (www.top500.org) shows
| that a large portion of the technical computing workload has moved
| to commodity Linux clusters: commodity servers, commodity
| networks and commodity storage


SMP and Embedded Real Time

,----[ Quote ]
| Because not all embedded systems vendors will be willing or able
| to create or purchase SMP real-time operating systems, we can
| expect that a number of them will make use of Linux.
| [...]
| I hope I have convinced you that the -rt patchset greatly
| advances Linux's parallel real-time capabilities, and that Linux
| is quickly becoming capable of supporting the parallel real-time
| applications that are appearing in embedded environments.


Multi-Core Processors Challenging Traditional Software Pricing Models

,----[ Quote ]
| However, Microsoft Corp. hasn't hopped on this train yet; it plans
| to continue to charge per processor for software
| [...]
| Another strategy for CIOs, suggested Giera, would be to consider
| using open-source software as an alternative to commercial software
| during the transition period.


Mini Linux box gains online storage, backups, updates

,----[ Quote ]
| Zonbu has sweetened the pie for Linux enthusiasts wishing to purchase its 
| low-cost, silent, eco-friendly, PC outright -- without committing to an 
| ongoing service contract. The $250 Zonbox PC includes OS upgrades, 2GB of 
| free online storage, automatic backup services, and root access.   


Zonbu GNU/Linux computer

,----[ Quote ]
| Zonbu is a very simple system. It is geared for users who may not necessarily 
| care what operating system they are using, but someone who just wants a 
| functional system. Zonbu does exactly that. The software is very 
| straightforward to use. Zonbu is very environmentally friendly. Not only does 
| it not require a lot of power to run, it also does not contribute to noise 
| pollution.     


$99 Zonbu Linux PC On Sale Today

,----[ Quote ]
| We've had our hands on these super-green Linux-and-Via powered babies for a 
| little while, but now it's your turn. Even though the beta program is 
| expected to run until September, Zonbu is confident that the hardware on 1.0 
| is locked. That's why today, the company started selling the little box, but 
| will cover the first three months of software support, technically a beta 
| run, for free.     


Linux net PC prototype gains favorable review

,----[ Quote ]
| PC Magazine reviewer Patrick Norton likes the Zonbox's low power requirements 
| and complement of pre-loaded software, which includes Skype, the Banshee 
| music jukebox, OpenOffice, and Firefox. YouTube video playback and mp3 
| ripping are less than perfect, he reports. However, the Zonbox uses only 11 
| Watts to play DVDs (external USB DVD player required). It can output to a 
| 720p high-definition TV with "no problems," Norton found.      


Review: Zonbu, the $99 Linux Computer

,----[ Quote
| There's a lot to like about Zonbu, including its three-year replacement 
| warranty. With your configuration information and all your data backed up in 
| the Zonbu online storage space, when you plug in, you can restore your 
| machine instantly. As an added plus, Zonbu is environmentally friendly; the 
| company claims the computer uses a fraction of the electricity of a standard 
| PC, which will cut down on your company's electricity costs.     


Zonbu to Roll Out $99 Linux-Based Computer This Summer 

,----[ Quote ]
| There's a cheap computer on the way that undercuts them all, the $99
| Zonbu, due this summer in a silent-running form factor that's about
| the size of a paperback book.


Gizmodo get their hands on Zonbu's remote-storage Linux PC

,----[ Quote ]
| Gizmodo have been playing with a halfway solution, Zonbu?s $99
| Linux PC, which runs open-source software on a fanless 1.2MHz 
| platform but utilises Amazon?s S3 storage servers to save your files.


Zonbu PC--the little, green rental machine

,----[ Quote  ]
| The Zonbu PC easily fits in your hand, and initially costs $99--with a 
| two-year subscription for online storage that costs between $12.50 and $19.95 
| each month. You can buy just the PC for $249 with no storage agreement--and 
| no storage. Zonbu does let you cancel the subscription at any time.   


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