Beta 2 fertig und bereit zum Testen
,----[ Quote ]
| Nachdem intern die Beta 1 viel Erfolg hatte steht nun die Beta 2 zum Download
| bereit.
| Viele neue Features und Bugfixes wurden in Beta 2 eingefügt und so kann es
| nun von einer breiten Öffentlichkeit getestet werden. Es handelt sich dabei
| um ein etwa 1GB grosses DVD ISO welches als LiveSystem mit
| Installationsfunktion verwendet werden kann.
Context (English):
Zebuntu Debuts
,----[ Quote ]
| "Our goal is to use BlueEyedOS to offer a new platform for our former Zeta
| customers. In the future, Zeta, BeOS, as well as any future Haiku
| applications, will run natively on Zebuntu. This also offers a distinct
| advantage for developers for these platforms; they can use Zebuntu to develop
| for their platforms while utilising the performance and versatility of
| Linux." In other words, run BeOS applications on Linux.
Linux: universal unifier.
OpenBeOS: It's Alive and Well
,----[ Quote ]
| Yes, Haiku has a lot to offer to those looking for some ripe, fresh
| development ground within the open source community. And considering
| the use of the easy to abide by MIT License, it does have some
| possibilities once the OS has been given a chance to mature some.
| I suppose you might be able to argue that at the end of the day,
| Haiku is an OS for the no-nonsense minimalist in mind.