Linonut <linonut@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> * Linonut peremptorily fired off this memo:
>> Linonut:
>> Loinonut
>> Linonewt
>> Line-o-nut
>> Lie-on-nut
>> Lien-o-nut or Lean-o-nut
>> Libel-nut
>> Lye-o-nut (based on my caustic wit)
>> Lionnut (oops, that's no good, it evokes too powerful an image [1])
>> Loyalnut (nahhhh, too good for me)
>> Lie-no-nut (oops, that's no good, it's the opposite of Liarnut)
> Another one:
> Lyre-nut (for my musical, lyrical posts)
You forgot "Liarnut" for all the time (approx. 99% of your posts) you tell lies.