Tim Smith <reply_in_group@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> In article <3157956.GDK8WjBJoX@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> >> You say you are against DRM, but you seem happy that Blu-Ray is going to
>> >> win. Â Blu-Ray has more DRM than HD-DVD.
> ...
>> Tim, get back to the Windows/Microsoft newsgroups where you belong. You are
>> completely missing the point and bend backwards to discredit me. You can drop
>> the stalking, too.
> Blu-Ray has AACS, region coding, and BD+.
> HD-DVD has AACS.
> Here's what BD+ does:
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BD%2B>
> How is supporting Blu-Ray consistent with your anti-DRM stance?
> Shouldn't your position be that NEITHER Blu-Ray nor HD-DVD is
> acceptable?
It would appear that like Jim and Peter, Roy likes to redefine language
to suit him.
Correcting is now "discrediting" him.
Spamowitz needs to be aware that to be discredited one must have some
credit to start with.