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[News] Best Buy Now Selling GNU/Linux

Best Buy Sells Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Add another once Windows-only PC distributor to the Linux hit list. Thanks to 
| the new Asus Eee Laptop, Best Buy, the Richfield, Minnesota based 
| corporation, is selling Linux on their website (you can check out the web 
| page here).   



The Buzz Word Today Is Change

,----[ Quote ]
| Maybe that's one of the reasons Linux has taken off in the last year; maybe 
| it's the people's hunger for change that's driving companies like Dell and 
| Sears to package Linux integrated computers. It might be that people are 
| growing tired of expensive proprietary software that never works, provides 
| poor support, is devoid of expansive, contributing communities, forces them 
| to purchase new hardware sooner than they would like, and forces them to wait  
| years between releases.      
| [...]
| With some hope, people are realizing how much choice is out there. These 
| choices help to force the big software vendors to reduce their prices, help 
| to bring about change and innovation, help to put money back into the pockets 
| of computer users every where.    


Microsoft's Dirty OEM-Secret

,----[ Quote ]
| They are, in short the secret to Microsoft's success. And the word
| secret is to be taken quite literally: No OEM may talk about the
| contents of his contract, or he will lose his license, and (assumption)
| likely be sued for breach of contract as well.


Jury Hears Microsoft Competition Suit

,----[ Quote ]
| A judge on Friday told jurors they must accept as fact that a
| federal court found in 1999 that Microsoft holds a monopoly over
| computer operating systems and that it restricted computer
| manufacturers' ability to use competing systems.
| [...]
| She said she'll show that the company used its monopoly power
| to exclude competition and control prices and that it conspired with
| other companies to restrain trade, maintaining what she called a
| chokehold on software competitors and computer manufacturers.


Did Microsoft want to 'whack' Dell over its Linux dealings?


Dell's secret Linux fling


Microsoft 'killed Dell Linux' - States


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