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[News] iTWire Compares Windows to Vomit, Windows Seen as "Hobbyist O/S"?

  • Subject: [News] iTWire Compares Windows to Vomit, Windows Seen as "Hobbyist O/S"?
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2008 05:02:02 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Vomit or Linux: your choice

,----[ Quote ]
| Imagine standing on the road. An oncoming car is heading rapidly towards you. 
| You have a choice to move, or to stay. Now consider that in business you need 
| to choose a server platform wisely but often Windows shops become entrenched 
| because it is the status quo. A couple of user experiences show why you ought 
| to think about it more.    


Vista vs. Ubuntu - My Rant

,----[ Quote ]
| Screw you Windows.
| It’s late, I have to work tomorrow, so I’ll play with it on the weekend. The 
| weekend arrives and I do a Google search for Skype for Ubuntu. Yes, there’s a 
| copy. I download and install.  


"...play with it [Vista] on the weekend"

Windows: the hobbyists' O/S?

Real work can conveniently be done on GNU/Linux.


French police deal blow to Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| The French paramilitary police force said Wednesday it is ditching Microsoft 
| for the free Linux operating system, becoming one of the biggest 
| administrations in the world to make the break.  


23,000 Linux PCs forge education revolution in Philippines

,----[ Quote ]
| Providing high school students with PCs is seen as a first step to preparing 
| them for a technology-literate future, but in the Philippines many schools 
| cannot afford to provide computing facilities so after a successful 
| deployment of 13,000 Fedora Linux systems from a government grant, plans are 
| underway to roll out another 10,000 based on Ubuntu.    



Nortel considers Linux desktops for its staff

,----[ Quote ]
| Nortel CIO Steve Bandrowczak, who joined the Canadian telecoms and network 
| equipment vendor last July, said "more and more CIOs are looking at Linux 
| desktop for reasons of TCO" and argued that the technology "is receiving the 
| same level of attention today as when Linux started on servers."    


FAA May Ditch Microsoft's Windows Vista And Office For Google And Linux Combo 

,----[ Quote ]
| Bowen said he's in talks with the aviation safety agency's main
| hardware supplier, Dell Computer, to determine if it could
| deliver Linux-based computers capable of accessing Google
| Apps through a non-Microsoft browser once the FAA's XP-based
| computers pass their shelf life.


Adios Microsoft!

,----[ Quote ]
| Ubuntu imported most of my pictures, music, and documents from Windows.
| There were some oddly named folders it missed. This was not problem as
| I was able to easily retrieve them when the setup was complete. I
| haven't reinstalled everything I normally use but all the major
| applications "just worked" after upgrading. I know this sounds
| like an advertisement for Ubuntu, I guess it is. I'll continue
| using it and report back on my progress.


Windows Vista, The best thing that ever happened to Linux?

,----[ Quote ]
| Millions of these units have been ordered by Countries such as
| Nigeria and Libya and pretty soon there will be millions of
| children around the world with Linux as their first operating
| system.
| In stark contrast Microsoft have just released Windows Vista,
| probably the most resource hungry Operating System ever, for 
| the PC platform.


Linux gains despite and because of Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| Despite the heightened competition over the last two quarters from 
| Microsoft-Novell and a move by Oracle to undercut Red Hat on the cost of Red 
| Hat Linux support service, Red Hat has reported double-digit growth in 
| revenue and an increase in profit.   
| “The success of Red Hat has been able to validate the future potential for 
| open source software,” Szulik says. 
| Emerging countries are also lucrative markets for Linux, says IDC’s Gillen, 
| because there isn’t as much of the legacy Windows technology to have to 
| displace.   


Open source and Linux looking better every day

,----[ Quote ]
| Vista Home Basic - How do you figure out all these different
| versions available? Thankfully a desktop shortcut to download
| an upgrade - the upgrade treadmill head start program?
| [...]
| Added openSUSE - dual boot, so I can use both. 


Linux Says Bye-bye Windows XP!

,----[ Quote ]
| It's been one of those months! My computer crashed taking with it crucial
| XP system files. This is the 3rd crash in the last year and I've finally
| had enough with the Windows operating system!


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