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Re: [News] [Rival] Defeat for XBox360 Confimed with Drive Burial

____/ Mark Kent on Monday 25 February 2008 15:12 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> Microsoft Pulls Plug on HD DVD Players
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| Microsoft Corp. said it will stop making HD DVD players for its Xbox 360
>>| video game system after Toshiba Corp. ceded the high-definition video
>>| format battle to Sony Corp.'s Blu-ray.
>> `----
>> http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5ifXeLMB28kre9AK-YgVq7Y4ZEJ9wD8V0RI780
>> It's the least successful console in the market. Even beaten by PS2...
>> The XBox360 has been good in driving Microsoft closer to debt.
> It remains surprising to me how many people seem to see the Xbox360
> thing as just a quick poke at Sony, as if companies could afford to
> waste their time and limited resources on such things.
> At this point, I think that Microsoft's "own the video supply chain"
> plan is looking more than a little dead.  Probably only their friends at
> the BBC can help now?

They try hard to cling onto their jobs. Like Microsoft employees, they won't
last for long. By the way, I was informed about a method Microsoft might be
using to give the illusion that it retains staff and does not offshore. I
don't think the company is downsizing yet (to reduce and mitigate the
financial problem), but it's not a  growth company. It hasn't been for quite
some time.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "Have you compiled your kernel today?"
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