Jerry McBride <jmcbride@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Tim Smith wrote:
>> In article <cur395xr9g.ln2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>> Jerry McBride <jmcbride@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> > The answer to your question is yes.
>>> >
>>> What??? I'm laughing as loud as I can right now.... You have got to be
>>> kidding? Can you imagine the herd of mcse's that would be required to run
>>> around the server farm rebooting boxes????? Just to keep them all in
>>> a "know state".
>>> What a laughable answer that is...
>> Keep in mind that not all people are as incompetent at setting up
>> Windows as you are. Why do you think Windows boxes in a cluster would
>> need frequent rebooting?
> There you. Thats the big WINDOWS DEFENSE.... if someone says something bad
> about a windows box, it ALWAYS the uses fault.... stupid use set it up
> wrong... haha. What a maroone....
And your plummet into insanity continues. Amazing.