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Re: Microsoft Backpedals Back to Windows XP, Users Pedal to Linux

On Jan 9, 4:16 am, Mark Kent <mark.k...@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> William Poaster <w...@xxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> Wow - I just did.  Incredible.  To those people in Cola who still feed
> Bill Weisgerber/amicus_curious/billwg, *please* google him and see just
> what it is you're feeding.  I'm certain once you see his approach and
> his history, you'll think twice about replying to him ever again.

Two questions:  why are you so paranoid about Microsoft and Linux?
You, your butty Roy and the (im)poster William Poaster.  You really
think in this day and age of employee turnover and disgruntled
employees that Microsoft would pay people to disrupt Linux?  After
spending money to support and promote Linux itself?  Do you know how
many antitrust problems MSFT would have if this came to light?  You
really that dumb?  I guess so.  Or you work for some Linux outfit and
it behooves you to spread these lies.

Second question:  why ain't I on this list? --http://


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